Agency Subscribers: Everyone on your team gets unlimited access to the following training that will help them build their skills, knowledge, and resilience!
Individual Subscribers: You also get unlimited access to this training!
A live webinar each month with a new topic & speaker.
These are also recorded for those who can't watch live.
6 Live Webinars with Josh Dye, Convene's President and Founder.
These are also recorded for those who can't watch live.
View the 100+ (and growing!) recorded webinars in our library.
On-demand. Anytime.
Our topics qualify for CEUs for social work, nursing, behavioral health, and more (depending on the rules of your licensing board.)
Note: We are currently working on getting ASWB approval!
Easily see the training you or your staff watched.
Track how much your team enjoys the training they watch.
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
The foundation for strong relationships, highly collaborative teams and full self-expression is trust and psychological safety. Creating a culture of psychological safety requires a willingness and a commitment to practice open and healthy dialogue.
Fostering psychological safety begins with the science of asking powerful questions and the art of compassionate listening. When applied, employees and customers feel heard, seen and understood. Employee’s thoughts, ideas and perspectives are welcome and their talents and creativity flourish.
Organizational consultant, speaker and author Jean Marie DiGiovanna, will share the critical success factors to creating trust and the foundational skillset and tools needed to create and foster a culture of psychologically safety.
In this interactive session, get ready to:
Date: February 15, 2024
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Date: March 21, 2024
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Psychological scientist and author Dr. Alice Pailhès has pioneered the scientific research on magicians’ mind control tricks, called forcing techniques.
But these mind control tricks don’t just exist in the world of magic – they’re part of your everyday decision-making process.
In this webinar you will learn:
This is guaranteed to be a fun and enlightening session that will take your thinking and decision making to a new level!
Date: April 18, 2024
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Do you feel deep down that if you could just get some momentum that you could create the life you want?
Does it annoy you that you can see the path to success right in front of you, but can’t bring yourself to do it?
If you are the type of person who simply needs clarity, direction, and accountability to push you forward, this webinar is for you.
In this webinar, you will learn:
Get ready to learn concrete steps, tools, strategies, and mindsets that will help you make real change!
Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Communication should be clear and concise, and we should get to the point quickly.
The problem is we don’t always know how to do this.
What does it mean to be concise? How can a complex topic be summarized in just a few lines?
In this webinar you will get a step-by-step guide for clear, concise communication in everyday work conversations.
You will learn:
You will also learn how to apply one technique to almost every discussion, email, presentation and interview with great results.
Get ready to take your communication skills to the next level in this webinar!
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
This webinar is about self sabotage. Why we do it, when we do it, and how to stop doing it…for good.
Coexisting but conflicting needs create self-sabotaging behaviors. This is why we resist efforts to change, often until they feel completely futile.
In this webinar you will learn how to:
For centuries, the mountain has been used as a metaphor for the big challenges we face, especially ones that seem impossible to overcome.
To scale our mountains, we actually have to do the deep internal work of excavating trauma, building resilience, and adjusting how we show up for the climb.
In the end, it is not the mountain we master, but ourselves.
Learn how in this webinar!
Date: Thursday, July 18th
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Your happiness and your success depend on your working relationships.
But the hard truth is this: most of us leave the health and fate of these relationships to chance.
We say “Hi,” exchange pleasantries … and hope for the best.
But many relationships become suboptimal at some point, whether it’s a good one that goes off the rails or one that was poor from the start.
But it doesn’t have to be like this.
Every working relationship can be better.
In this webinar Michael Bungay Stanier will show you how to build the best possible relationships.
You will learn:
Date: Thursday, August 15th
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
In this webinar leadership expert Audrey Daniels will teach you how to embody the traits of an assertive leader, and how to show empathy in a way that motivates others.
You will learn:
Get ready to take your leadership skills to the next level in this webinar!
Date: September 19th, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Central Time
Brain Energy is Dr. Chris Palmer’s revolutionary breakthrough in understanding mental health, and improving treatment for anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and more.
In this webinar you will learn:
Get ready to hear a fresh approach to mental health and disease!
We’ve all been there at that make it or break it moment in our lives. That moment where it seems as if time stops and the world is spinning, but you are not moving.
You have a decision to make. You have an obstacle in front of you that you did not expect or did not suspect it to be.
Maybe you haven’t attained the success you feel your hard work should have brought you by now or maybe you feel you have the talent to be all that you can be, be the expert in your field, but you just can’t seem to put that talent or those skills into position to maximize the moment.
Maybe you feel your potential or this gift you have just isn’t being tapped and you have no clue what’s missing or what’s holding you back.
If this resonates, this is the webinar for you.
In this webinar you will learn how to bring out your best, no matter what has happened in the past, or what you are doing now.
You will learn to overcome obstacles in 5 major areas:
SLOW does not mean doing everything at a snail’s pace. That would be absurd. It means doing everything at the right speed: quickly, slowly or whatever pace works best.
Slow means being present, living each moment fully, and putting quality before quantity in everything from work to food to parenting.
In this webinar you will learn:
This webinar will help you work and live with greater intention and enjoyment.
Date: Thursday, December 12th
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Whatever you are doing right now is determined by the way you are thinking.
Whatever emotions you feel are influenced by your thinking.
Whatever you want – all your desires – are determined by your thinking.
If your thinking is unrealistic, it will lead you to many disappointments.
If your thinking is overly pessimistic, it will deny you due recognition of the many things in which you should properly rejoice.
In this webinar you will learn the tools the best thinkers use in their work and personal lives.
You will learn how to implement these qualities of the best thinkers:
This webinar will help you reason well through the problems and issues you face at work and in your personal life.
Date: January 16, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
We limit ourselves by looking too often at the big picture, and at other times too long at the fine detail.
However, there is great power in these misperceptions. We can learn to leverage perceptual illusions if we know when and how to use them to our advantage.
In this webinar Social Psychologist Emily Balcetis will share four powerful yet largely untapped visual tactics that you can use to improve outcomes in several situations.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
Narrow Your Focus – How narrowing your focus helps you exercise effectively, save money, and find more time in your day.
Widen the bracket – Seeing the forest instead of the trees reduces temptations and helps you recognize when a change of course is in order.
Materialize your plan and your progress – Creating checklists and objective assessments inspires better planning and adjusts your gauge of what’s really left to be done.
Control your frame of reference – Knowing where to direct attention improves your ability to read others’ emotions, negotiate better outcomes, foster stronger relationships, and overcome fear.
Successful people literally see the world differently.
In this training you will learn how anyone can leverage this “perception gap” to their advantage!
Date: February 20, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
In this webinar you will learn how to implement these powerful, practical steps to help you bounce back from burnout: (Learning Objectives)
Date: March 20, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Would you like to have the ability to read people and better understand what they are really thinking?
In this webinar author Derek Borthwick will teach you the science of body language and non-verbal communication.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
Date: April 17, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Having a seat at the table doesn’t mean that your voice is actually welcome.
Knowing something is wrong doesn’t mean it’s easy to speak up.
In fact, there are incentives for many of us to stay silent.
Why speak up if you know that it won’t be received well, and in fact, often makes things worse?
Only by unlearning silence can we more fully unleash talent, speak our minds, and be more complete versions of ourselves.
In this webinar presented by author Elaine Lin Hering you will learn (Learning Objectives):
Date: May 15, 2024
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
When employees, colleagues, and clients are not being heard, organizational culture, employee happiness, and overall client well-being suffer.
How well do you listen?
Active listening is the doorway to increased belonging, loyalty, productivity, creativity, and so much more.
It is the difference between thinking we understand what people want and knowing what they want.
In this webinar author Heather Younger will teach a 5-step framework that shows you how to listen successfully and act upon what you are hearing.
You will learn these 5 steps (Learning Objectives):
Backed by the speaker’s personal review of over 30,000 employee and customer surveys and facilitation of 100’s of focus groups, Heather Younger discovered one universal truth: We all want to be heard. We want our voices to matter. We want the work we do to matter.
Learn how in this webinar!
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Almost everyone knows someone who is battling a drug or alcohol problem.
But most people have no idea what to do about it.
Should you step in or step back?
Some advise detaching from a loved one with a substance use disorder. But detachment often doesn’t help. Connection does.
That’s what Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) is about.
It’s a set of skills family members learn and practice. Within 12 weeks, about 75% of loved ones with a drug or alcohol problem get into recovery.
In this webinar CRAFT trainer Laurie MacDougall will share ways to help loved ones with an addiction.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
Date: Thursday, July 17th, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
For most people, conflict triggers a fight or flight response.
Disagreeing productively is a hard skill for which neither evolution or society has equipped us.
It’s a skill we urgently need to acquire. Otherwise, our increasingly vociferous disagreements are destined to tear us apart.
Productive disagreement makes us smarter and more creative, and it can even bring us closer together.
It’s critical to the success of any shared enterprise, from a marriage, to a business, to a democracy.
In this webinar we will learn how to do it well.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
Date: Thursday, August 21st, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Life can throw a lot of challenges our way.
It is helpful to know strategies to support others when they experience the death of loved ones, job loss, health challenges, breakups, divorces, and even just daily disappointments.
In this webinar you will learn practical things you can do to support others during the harder times of life.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
Date: September 18th, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Central Time
In this webinar presented by Licensed Professional Clinincal Counselor Duygu Balan you will learn about identifying and treating trauma-related stressors through creative expression.
You don’t necessarily need to talk about your traumatic experiences to heal.
Instead, a creative outlet like writing might be the therapeutic exercise you need to work through the pain and heal your wounds.
In this webinar you will learn (Learning Objectives):
Date: Thursday, October 16th, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Most pet owners know that spending time with their pets helps them feel good.
But did you know that watching animal videos could make you more productive?
Or that owning a dog might help you combat an addiction?
No one understands the animal-human bond and all the mental health benefits of owning an animal better than Dr. Doug Mader.
Dr. Mader has a long history of caring for everything from household pets to zoo animals.
In this webinar you will learn (Learning Objectives):
Date: Thursday, November 20th, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Awe is mysterious.
How do we begin to quantify the goose bumps we feel when we see the Grand Canyon, or our utter amazement when we watch a child walk for the first time?
Fortunately awe awe is not limited to rare or extraordinary experiences.
It is something we can find in everyday life.
In this webinar author and professor Dacher Keltner will provide guidance on how to cultivate a greater awareness of awe-inspiring moments and incorporate them into daily routines.
You will also learn how to use awe to achieve the following (Learning Objectives):
Date: Thursday, December 11th
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central Time
Grievers and those trying to support them ask the same questions over and over because fundamental grief education has yet to permeate mainstream culture.
In this webinar from Licensed Clinical Social Worker Meghan Riordan Jarvis you will learn: (Learning Objectives):
Our unconscious mind is amazing. It can process much more information than our conscious mind.
It makes shortcuts based on our background, cultural environment and personal experiences to make quick decisions about everything around us.It is also wrong a lot of the time, especially when it comes to people that are different from us in areas of race, skin color, disability, gender, religion, age, appearance, and more.
In this training you will learn how to increase awareness of unconscious bias, and discover strategies to better manage it when serving clients, working with peers, and making key decisions.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
What is bias?
How unconscious bias impacts our thinking, expectations and actions.
How In Groups and Out Groups affect our beliefs.
How to gain greater awareness of where you may have bias.
Microaggressions: What they are, and are not.
Strategies to reduce the impact of bias on decision making and actions.
Most have heard of IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) and how they contribute to our overall potential.
A new kind of intelligence, Positive Intelligence (PQ) is on the rise. Positive Intelligence (PQ) helps us maximize our potential.
However, according to the research of Shirzad Chamine, 80% of all teams operate below a critical Positive Intelligence level, and fall short of achieving their true potential for success and happiness.
Why? Mental Saboteurs.
Saboteurs are the voices in our head that generate negative emotions in the way we handle life’s everyday challenges.
They represent automated patterns in our minds for how to think, feel, and respond. They cause stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage our performance, wellbeing, and relationships.
In this training you will learn:
It is common to think that problems are natural and inevitable.
For example:
What if it didn’t have to be this way?
Well, it doesn’t. Upstream thinking can solve a lot of our annoying, costly probems before they happen!
In this training we will learn:
Kwame Christian says a conflict is A negotiation with attitude.
Conflict is a regular part of our lives. Whether it is a disagreement with a co-worker, client, family member or friend, we need tools that help us resolve important issues that are holding us back.
For many of us, conflict is uncomfortable. We would rather avoid it than confront it. We also struggle to understand how to resolve conflicts fairly.
Following a conflict resolution process, or framework, helps a lot. Instead of just winging it, we can follow research-driven and time tested best practices.
In this training you will learn the different conflict styles that people have, and we will review conflict resolution frameworks created by three experts:
Let’s get ready to resolve conflicts together!
Time is precious.
Many of us spend hours each week in meetings and conversations.
The faciliator of the meeting dictates whether that time is wasted or makes a positive difference.
Let’s learn some leadership tips for hosting better meetings and conversations that improve productivity, not reduce it.
In this training you will learn:
Does it feel like people are not fully reading your messages?
Do you ask questions in an email that are misunderstood by others, or not answered at all?
Do you feel frustrated or drained from processing so much information each day?
Do you wish people would just get to the point?
If so, this is the training for you!
In this highly interactive training you will learn: (Learning Objectives)
Get ready to reduce information overload and increase efficiency with the tips you learn in this training!
Ethics is about doing the right thing.
This seems simple, but gets complicated when we are faced with real world challenges.
Many factors impact how we respond in ethical gray areas, including:
In this training we will explore the following: (Learning Objectives)
It is common to encounter situations that just don’t feel right.
Get ready to learn how to ethically think through them in this training!
A cognitive bias is an error or blind spot in our thinking and decision making.
It convinces us that we have an accurate understanding of a person or situation, when we actually don’t.
Cognitive biases lead to:
In this training you will learn: (Learning Objectives)
Understanding how our brains work can transform our daily lives.
Fortunately, brain scientists know a good deal about the things that impact our brains.
In this training we will explore 12 brain rules highlighted by molecular biologist Dr. John Medina, and how we can use them to improve thinking, learning, and performance.
The 12 Rules we will explore are:
Understanding the impact of the 12 rules on our brains can help us maximize they way we live and work!
Uncertainty. Mistakes. Accidents. Failure. Divorce. Break ups. Bankruptcy. Foreclosure. Eviction. Health Problems.
Sometimes our life and work just hits the fan.
How we navigate mistakes and stressful moments determines our health and well-being professionally, personally and for loved ones around us.
In this session you will learn: (Learning Objectives)
Get ready to current stress into future strengths in this presentation that will help you prepare for, heal and transform during difficult experiences!
Note: This training is great for those going through stressful times, or people that help clients with stressful challenges.
“If you are having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. This problem is your system.”
~ James Clear, author of Atomic Habits
Behavior change is hard. In fact, 91% of people don’t achieve their goals.
But 9% do…
What makes them different? The systems they set up to make progress.
In this training you will learn how to put the 4 laws of behavior change into action:
Q. What does Unlimited training mean?
A. You get access to the following:
Q. I have a large team. How many of them can access the training through the agency membership?
A. All of them. All. of. them.
Q. Seriously? For only $999/year you will let my entire team access all of this training?
A. Yes.
Q. When does my subscription start and then renew?
A. The subscription is for 12 months. If you subscribe on March 1, 2024 it will renew on March 1, 2025.
Q. Does this training qualify for CEUs?
A. Yes, but it depends on the rules of your licensing board.
Q. How do you get the CEUs?
A. After you watch a training you complete a form. Then, you get an email with everything you need for CEU purposes.
Q. How does Attendance Tracking work?
A. We set up a portal where you can view all of the training you or your team has completed.
Q. How long are the webinars?
A. The monthly webinars are 60 minutes. The training with Josh is usually 90 minutes.
Q. Will you record the webinars?
A. Yes. All training is recorded and made available to those who can’t watch it live.
Q. How do you notify us of upcoming training?
A. We send one email each Wednesday at 9 am Central Time. This email has information about the upcoming live webinar, and a link to the recordings.
Convene Training was founded by Josh Dye, MPNA and offers training to government, nonprofit, contracted case management, and health and human services professionals that help other people.
While training at conferences across the country for the past 15 years, Josh noticed two big problems plaguing the sector.1. High rates of stress, burnout and staff turnover.
2. Budgets that severely limit access to high-quality training for staff. Many agencies can only afford to train a small portion of their people, leaving many without the learning opportunities they need to be successful and feel supported by their employers.
The Convene Training subscription model was launced in 2017 to solve these problems and offers affordable training opportunities with CEUs each year.
About Josh Dye, MPNA
Josh is the President & Founder of Convene Training.
Since 2010 he has provided training to professionals that work in high stress environments, like health and human services, behavioral health, contracted case management, homelessness, reentry, refugee services, CASAs, nonprofits, government, and more.
Attendees in over 1,500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.
What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it.
Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.
In 2006 Josh earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Housing Studies from the University of Minnesota. In 2010 he earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.