60-90 minute sessions
People often say I have no regrets, or live with no regrets.
But let’s face it, regrets are inevitable.
We have all done things that we wish we had handled differently.
According to author Daniel Pink, there are 4 categories of regrets:
Handled properly, regrets help us learn.
In this training we will dig into the 4 categories of regrets and learn how we can use them to do the following:
Uncertainty. Mistakes. Accidents. Failure. Divorce. Break ups. Bankruptcy. Foreclosure. Eviction. Health Problems. Sometimes our life and work just hits the fan. How we navigate mistakes and stressful moments determines our health and well-being professionally, personally and for loved ones around us.
In this session you will learn:
Get ready to current stress into future strengths in this presentation that will help you prepare for, heal and transform during difficult experiences!
Life is full of transitions, both large and small. We change jobs, move on from relationships, lose loved ones, and reflect on our beliefs and values. These moments of change present great opportunity, but also risk. Depending on how we handle them, transitions can lead to growth OR setback emotionally, physically, and financially.
In this insightful, reflective and interactive presentation you will learn:
Get ready to learn strategies that will help you learn, grow and progress during times of transition!
Conform. Do what everyone else is doing. Never quit.
Society (and your industry) has laid out a path for you to follow, but is it right for you?
Following the masses leads to stress, debt, burnout, and living life in conflict with your values.
There is a better way! In this presentation Josh will share ways that doing the opposite of the norm in work and life leads to greater impact and fulfillment.
You will learn:
Where in your life and work do you need to fail to make it better?
That is the opening question of this thought provoking presentation by Josh Dye. Failure surrounds us and is a part of our lives every day. It is also filled with valuable lessons, if we have the courage to learn them.
You will learn
You will also get inspired by learning to overcome fear through the 5 Steps of Courage and how to handle failure with humility and resilience. Featuring high profile examples from celebrities we all know, and some personal examples too, Josh identifies how failure can propel us as people and organizations forward.
Mindfulness is the practice of maintaining a moment by moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment, without judgment.
It is about living and working in the present moment, free from regrets about the past or fear about the future. Mindfulness helps calm our anxieties, increases focus and improves creativity and productivity.
In this training you will learn:
Now is the time to live and work mindfully. Learn how in this presentation!
Next level self care is more than just mastering coping mechanisms.
It requires sacrifice that allows us to develop a resilient lifestyle that thrives no matter what is happening in the world.
Next level self care is hard, and not always fun, but worth it.
In this training you will learn:
Next level self care is about prioritizing and making hard trade-offs. Learn how in this training!
Post traumatic growth is more than just bouncing back. It is when someone positively transforms their world view after experiencing trauma.
Negative experiences can spur positive change.
According to pyschologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun, people that achieve post traumatic growth report positive responses in these areas:
In this training you will learn 5 ways to facilitate post traumatic growth in your life and those you serve:
We can become better after setbacks. In this training you will learn how!
Sometimes things suddenly change and we find ourselves grasping for a new normal.
Examples include:
A loved one dies.
A relationship ends.
A new job role or responsibilities.
A big change in income.
A big change to our previously comfortable routines.
These sudden changes can leave us feeling out of sorts, lost, uncomfortable, and not knowing what to do next.
In this we will cover how to develop a mindset that adapts quickly when changes happens.
You will learn:
How to adjust your expectations
How to determine what is essential and what is not.
How to manage uncertainty and identify reliable information.
How to manage relationships during times of uncertainty.
How to gain long term perspective during short-term trials.
Right now many people are working through a crisis. The ongoing pandemic and recent staff and service shortages are creating incredible challenges for clients and the professionals that help meet their basic needs.
To survive this moment we need more than basic coping mechanisms. We need resilient strategies that help us physically and emotionally endure whatever we are facing. We also need tips to engage with clients when things get tough that are beyond our control.
In this training we will explore:
How to establish healthy personal and professional boundaries.
How to become more emotionally resilient.
How to effectively communicate with clients when challenges arise.
What to do when it seems like there are no good options.
Do you serve clients in these places?
If so, you may have played the “what if” game in your head:
Situational awareness helps you make careful, safe decisions when faced with a potentially unsafe scenario.
In this interactive Situational Awareness webinar will learn: (Learning Objectives)
Don’t leave your safety, well-being, and health to chance. Learn situational awareness safety skills in this webinar!
Are your days full of work, relationships and activities that are true to your authentic self, or do you spend time on things you find uninspiring?
This training is for those who want to identify and live as their best selves.
To help us live and work as our best selves, author and life coach Mike Bayer developed a framework called the seven SPHERES.
The seven SPHERES are:
In this training we will walk through how to use the seven SPHERES to thrive in our personal and professional lives.
Most have heard of IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) and how they contribute to our overall potential. A new kind of intelligence, Positive Intelligence (PQ) is on the rise.
Positive Intelligence (PQ) helps us maximize our potential.
However, according to the research of Shirzad Chamine, 80% of all teams operate below a critical Positive Intelligence level, and fall short of achieving their true potential for success and happiness.
Why? Mental Saboteurs.
Saboteurs are the voices in our head that generate negative emotions in the way we handle life’s everyday challenges.
They represent automated patterns in our minds for how to think, feel, and respond. They cause stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage our performance, wellbeing, and relationships.
In this training you will learn:
The 10 saboteurs and how they impact performance.
How to identify and overcome your top mental saboteurs.
How to increase your Positive Intelligence (PQ).
How to apply PQ tools and techniques to increase performance and fulfillment.
Understanding how our brains work can transform our daily lives.
Fortunately, brain scientists know a good deal about the things that impact our brains.
In this training we will explore 12 brain rules highlighted by molecular biologist Dr. John Medina, and how we can leverage them to improve thinking, learning, and performance.
The 12 Rules we will explore are:
Understanding the impact of the 12 rules on our brains can help us maximize they way we live and work!
Emotional intelligence is at the core of fulfilling personal and professional relationships. What is it exactly?
Emotional intelligence is having the ability to do the following:
In this training you will learn how to improve the following emotional intelligence skills:
As a result of this training you will increase your level of influence, more effectively resolve conflict, improve as a communicator, and form better professional and personal relationships!
Many of us desire to get to the next level in our personal and professional lives, but don’t know the steps to take.
In this training you will learn how to identify what growth means to you, and how to implement sustainable change.
You will learn
You will also get inspired by learning to overcome fear through the 5 Steps of Courage and how to handle failure with humility and resilience.
Many of us have taken a personality assessment at some point in our lives. These often happen when we are getting hired or as part of team building exercises.
Whether it was the Myers-Briggs, DiSC, Strength Finder, Enneagram or something else, we learned our natural strengths and weaknesses and those of our teammates as well.
A common outcome is to finally feel understood by our co-workers. I am what I am. Now THEY know how to adjust to work better with me.
In other words, we experience validation and gain some insight, but don’t grow or change.
There is a better way.
In this training we will explore how to better utilize personality assessments to leverage our strengths and minimize weaknesses.
You will learn:
Ethics is about doing the right thing.
This seems simple, but gets complicated when we are faced with real world challenges.
It is common to encounter situations that just don’t feel right. Many factors can affect how we respond in ethically uncertain situations, including conflicts of interest, pressure to perform at a high level, and our desire to just get along with other people with as little conflict as possible.
In this training we will explore the following:
Organizations that have staff who work in-person and remote is rapidly becoming a new normal.
This presents unique challenges for supervisors as they try to lead happy and productive teams.
In this training we cover the essential things supervisors must know to effectively manage remote and hybrid staff.
You will learn:
You will also learn 5 key things you must establish as a leader of a remote or hybrid team, and quality of life tips to teach your staff as they work remotely.
During this session we cover the following essential skills supervisors must develop:
The session is highly interactive. Each topic will feature brief lecture to set the context followed by interactive discussion and live polls. Attendees will learn research-based best practices and from the experiences of their co-workers.
Working with and managing others is stressful, demanding and rewarding. Finding quality staff and keeping them engaged and productive is a challenge.
In this session you will learn:
If some people on your team under-performing, learn how to get them engaged in this training!
As a manager does it feel like you constantly have more work added to your plate and none taken off?
This is not sustainable. The solution is mastering delegation.
It is challenging to know what to delegate, when, and how (and in many cases, to whom!). Together let’s explore some strategies to improve your delegation and feedback skills as a manager.
In this training you will learn:
The more you delegate, the less you have to do, and the more others thrive. Master delegation and feedback in this training!
Let’s be honest. It is hard to find great staff. It is even harder to keep them.
Developing the talent we have into leaders is more important than ever.
Good leadership is a game changer. It gives people direction, purpose, security and recognition. It also separates a great job experience from a bad one.
As the saying goes, “People don’t quit a job, they quit a manager.”
Given limited resources, what strategies can we use to develop leaders in our organizations?
In this training you will learn:
It is common to think that problems are natural and inevitable.
For example:
What if it didn’t have to be this way?
Well, it doesn’t. Upstream thinking can solve a lot of our annoying, costly probems before they happen!
In this training we will learn:
Leading and creating is no longer about hierarchy. It is about taking initiative, having the guts to do something different, and risking failure. It is about caring enough to put in extra thought, time, emotion, and energy to make something remarkable happen.
But leading when you don’t have the position or “title” of authority is tricky.
In this training we cover strategies you can use to make a difference no matter the position you hold.
You will learn:
Do you want your work to be more fulfilling and special? Then lead and create, regardless of your position. Learn how in this dynamic presentation!
The Monday morning all-staff meeting. One-on-Ones. Regional conference calls. Supervision meetings to discuss client cases. Emergency meetings. Meetings, Meetings, and more Meetings?
Are you experiencing these symptoms?
If so, you must seek immediate help before death by meeting permanently sets in.
All kidding aside, the amount of meetings our agencies hold is destroying morale, increasing burnout, making us less productive (NOT more), and getting in the way of our most important work.
There is a better way!
In this training you will learn:
Get ready to revolutionize your work culture to meet less and get more done! Learn how in this dynamic training.
Time is precious.
Many of us spend hours each week in meetings.
The faciliator of the meeting dictates whether that time is wasted or makes a positive difference.
Let’s learn some leadership tips for hosting better meetings that improve productivity, not reduce it.
In this training you will learn:
Productive and healthy workplaces require good relationships and professionals skilled at connecting with one another. For managers and employees alike, it is essential that they enhance their skills in communication and building rapport with one another and the public they serve.
In this training you will learn:
Learn how to communicate and connect in this dynamic presentation!
Do you want to have more success getting clients to make positive changes in their lives?
Do you want to have greater influence with your co-workers?
If so, it is important to understand what makes people say yes.
In this training we will cover practical, on-the-ground tips about how to communicate in a way that moves others to action.
You will learn: (Learning Objectives)
This is a great training for those who want to communicate more persuasively while remaining authentic and kind.
“If you are having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. This problem is your system.” ~ James Clear, author of Atomic Habits
Behavior change is hard. In fact, 91% of people don’t achieve their New Year’s resolutions.
But 9% do… What makes them different? The systems they set up to make progress.
In this training you will learn how to put the 4 laws of behavior change into action:
Make it obvious.
Make it attractive.
Make it easy.
Make it satisfying.
You will also learn the difference between goals vs. systems when working to achieve your goals.
Use this training to better help your clients, and to take your life and performance at work to the next level!
What is deep work? Using unintterupted and carefully directed concentration to get your most important work done.
Deep work helps us produce better results in less time, with greater fulfillment.
In this training we will learn how to put into action the 4 rules of Deep Work created by author Cal Newport:
Rule 1 – Work Deeply
Rule 2- Embrace Boredom
Rule 3 – Quit Social Media
Rule 4 – Drain the Shallows
You will also learn tips and resources to minimize distractions from technology, and how to enter a focused state of flow when working.
Are you owning your day, or does it feel like your day is owning you? What progress are you making on your goals and priorities? Do you spend time the way you want, with people who bring you life?
Enough questions. It is time for action. Specifically, it is time to set up a daily practice that helps you do the following:
Many of the most productive, successful and peaceful people have a daily practice. Now it is your turn! Learn how in this presentation.
The old saying “Time flies when you are having fun!” is true, but time flies at the speed of light when you waste it. This keynote presentation highlights the ways we waste time professionally AND personally, and offers practical, helpful tips for getting the most out of each precious moment we are given. Do you feel like time is no longer you own? In this refreshing and motivational presentation you will learn how to take it back.
You will learn:
Each moment we have is precious. This session will help you spend time the way YOU want!
Our work and lives are as busy and hectic as ever. Are email overload, daunting documentation requirements, boring meetings, and overwhelming clients (and co-workers!) driving you to the brink? Let technology help!
In this fast-paced session, Josh Dye will share websites, apps, and technology hacks that will increase your productivity, efficiency & learning, and help relieve stress.
Whether a project is large or small, effective project management is essential.
Good project management helps us save time, money, resources, and stress!
In this training we will cover project management essentials that will help you lead successful initiatives from start to finish.
You will learn:
SMART goals and productivity systems both have a role in helping us achieve progress.
SMART goals are great for shorter term, reach it and be done situations.
What does SMART stand for?
Systems are better for ongoing or long term activities. A system is something you do on a regular basis with the expectation that doing so will get you to a better place in your work or personal life.
In some cases, systems can help us reach our SMART goals too!
The system-versus-goals model can be applied to most professional and personal areas.
In this training you will learn:
The vast majority of workplace communication now takes place via writing.
Email, Teams, Slack, and more have us drowning in a sea of text.
To work more productively and efficiently, we must change the way we write at work.
In this training you will learn: (Learning Objectives)
Get ready to increase the clarity of your writing in this highly practical, interactive training!
Trust is the foundation of a healthy workplace with high morale. When trust is lacking, tension and burnout are high, needless conflict spreads, and performance suffers. High stress environments make these things worse.When trust is present efficiency increases, people support one another, clients are more cooperative, and work is a rewarding place to be.
To excel as an organization that is great for people and productivity the following must happen:
But how?
In this training you will learn how individuals and organizations can build trust in their relationships and communty, including:
Trust can serve as our greatest benefit or biggest liability. Get ready to learn how to reap the benefit of high trust relationships and work environments in this dynamic training!
Working with people who have different work styles is often challenging. Our background, skills and experiences impact how we view communication, time, deadlines, relationships, decision-making, and more!
To work effectively together, we must better understand our own work styles and the work styles and preferences of people on our team.
In this presentation you will learn:
Workplaces that feature a wide variety of workstyles are a strength and benefit. Request this session to learn how to work well together, regardless of how you approach the job!
For the first time in modern U.S. history there are significant members of 4 different generations in the workplace: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z.
Differences in work styles, expectations and preferences have a big impact on how well we work together…or not.
In this fast paced, interactive training you will learn the following:
How technology influences each generation.
How to adapt your use of technology to communicate more effectively with each generation.
How family upbringing influenced the work style of each generation.
How to adapt to the unique work styles and needs of each generation so we can work more effectively together!
Selfies, social media, and sharing (bikes, cars, and more!) are hallmarks of the Millennial generation – the largest generation in U.S. history. Selfish and sense of entitlement are words some have used when working this group. If working with millennials was a Facebook relationship status it would be: “It’s Complicated.”
Factors including workplace culture, training, talent, motivation, personal life issues, and more all contribute to the working relationships. In this session you will learn how to move millennials from “It’s Complicated” to “Engaged!”
Conflict is a regular part of our lives. Whether it is a disagreement with a co-worker, client, family member or friend, we need tools that help us resolve important issues that are holding us back.
For many of us, conflict is uncomfortable. We would rather avoid it than confront it. We also struggle to understand how to resolve conflicts fairly.
Following a conflict resolution process, or framework, helps a lot. Instead of just winging it, we can follow research-driven and time tested best practices.
In this training you will learn the different conflict styles that people have, and we will review conflict resolution frameworks created by three experts:
Let’s get ready to resolve conflicts together!
Do you ever feel manipulated, controlled, or lied to?
Do you serve clients, or are in any relationships with people that have intense, irrational rages that seem to come out of nowhere?
Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells to avoid confrontations or constantly upsetting someone?
If the answer is yes, then you are likely interacting with someone that may have borderline personality disorder (BPD), narcissism or other challenging personality traits.
People compare working or living with someone that has borderline personality disorder, or other personality disorders to:
Living in a pressure cooker with thin walls and a faulty safety valve.
Living in a perpetual oxymoron. It’s a seemingly endless host of contradictions.
Feeling like you are going through the spin cycle on a washing machine. The world is whirling around, and you have no idea which way is up, down or sideways.
In this training, we will explore strategies to more effectively serve and interact with people that have, or demonstrate the traits of, people with borderline personality disorder, narcissism, and other challenging personalities.
You will learn: (Learning Objectives)
By the end of this training you will have a greater understanding of how to navigate complex interactions with people that have difficult personalities!
NOTE: This training is NOT about how to medically or psychologically provide treatment for someone with a personality disorder.
This is for professionals that happen to work with people that may have a personality disorder, and are looking for strategies to better serve them, and personally cope with the impacts of these challenging and stressful interactions.
This training is for those who have already received training on Trauma Informed Care, but want to dig deeper.
Traumatized people often experience incomprehensible anxiety, numbing, and intolerable rage.
It impacts their capacity to concetrate, remember, form trusting relationships, and feel at home and their bodies. Only making it safe for trauma victims to inhabit their bodies, and to tolerate feeling what they feel, and knowing what they know, can lead to lasting healing.
In this training you will learn strategies to help your clients from Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk’s landmark book The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.
You will learn about body-brain connections, the problem of traumatic memory, and the following paths to recovery:
There is no one size fits all approach to helping people with trauma. Get ready to learn a variety of strategies in this training!
There are many people whose behaviors or life circumstances are stigmatized.
People with substance use disorders, those experiencing homelessness, and people living in poverty are a few examples.
Stigma discourages people from getting the help they need. Would you want to interact with somebody who is just going to shame you?
Stigma is baked into our culture. Sometimes we say something and do not realize the shame it heaps on others. Other times we think we are helping, motivating, or simply ‘telling the truth’ when we are actually harming and re-traumatizing.
In this training we will learn better ways to communicate with people that have circumstances that are commonly stigmatized.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
Superb client service is an individual responsibility, but thrives in and requires excellence teamwork. The clients we serve are often demanding, and work gets stressful. When we focus on supporting one another and opening up the lines of communication, service to clients improves and so does the morale on our teams. The values that drive us determine the client experience, and anyone else that interacts with our agencies.
In this fast-paced session full of interactive, practical examples, you will learn:
This session will make an immediate impact on your work culture and client experience!
Dr. Vicky Kelly said “Trauma Informed Care is a shift in the basic questions that we ask. A shift away from the question, What is wrong with you? to the question, What happened to you, and how does that impact how you function today? In this training, you will learn the three different types of trauma that people experience, and the common responses people exhibit when they have survived traumatic events.
You will also discover how to build trust with those who have experienced trauma, and how to empower clients to make positive healthy decisions.
You will also learn:
Finally, bring your mobile phone to this training to participate in the live quizzes, polls, and interactive learning exercises that will help you get off to a positive start in functioning as a trauma informed professional and agency.
You learned the principles of Trauma Informed Care. Now you have a passion for how they help you better serve the most vulnerable people in our communities.
Then you joined the Trauma Informed Care committee at work to discuss with colleagues how to implement the principles in your agency.
Taking it to the next level, you joined a cohort. You learned and discussed best practices with professionals in other agencies who are also interested in this crucial work.
Prepared with research-based best practices, evidence and ideas, you present recommendations to agency leadership.
Their response?
Sound familiar?
In this training, we will explore strategies to increase your influence and get more buy-in on trauma informed initiatives.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
Low/No Cost ways to implement Trauma Informed Care
The power of perspective taking
Agenda based-communication: Guiding others to win-win outcomes
The psychology of persuasion
Negotiation tips and tactics
Successes and failures shared directly by your peers doing the work
Our unconscious mind is amazing. It can process much more information than our conscious mind. It makes shortcuts based on our background, cultural environment and personal experiences to make quick decisions about everything around us. It is also wrong a lot of the time, especially when it comes to people that are different from us in areas of race, skin color, disability, gender, religion, weight, and more.
In this training you will learn how to increase awareness of implicit bias and discover strategies to better manage it when serving clients, working with peers, and making key decisions.
You will also learn:
A cognitive bias is an error, or blind spot, in our thinking and decision making.
It convinces us that we have an accurate understanding of a person or situation, when we actually don’t.
Cognitive biases lead to:
In this training you will learn about common cognitive biases that we experience, strategies to combat the biases, and how to make better decisions.