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The Road to Redemption: Overcoming Life's Detours, Obstacles, and Challenges

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We’ve all been there at that make it or break it moment in our lives. That moment where it seems as if time stops and the world is spinning, but you are not moving.
You have a decision to make. You have an obstacle in front of you that you did not expect or did not suspect it to be.
Maybe you haven’t attained the success you feel your hard work should have brought you by now, or maybe you feel you have the talent to be all that you can be, but you just can’t seem to put that talent or those skills into position to maximize the moment.
Maybe you feel your potential or this gift you have just isn’t being tapped and you have no clue what’s missing or what’s holding you back.
If this resonates, this is the webinar for you.
In this webinar you will learn how to bring out your best, no matter what has happened in the past, or what you are doing now.
You will learn to overcome obstacles in 5 major areas:
  • Focus
  • Determination
  • Action
  • Perspective
  • Mindset

The Power of Slow: The Counterintuitive Secret to Thriving in a Fast World

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SLOW does not mean doing everything at a snail’s pace. That would be absurd. It means doing everything at the right speed: quickly, slowly or whatever pace works best.
Slow means being present, living each moment fully, and putting quality before quantity in everything from work to food to parenting.
In this webinar you will learn: (Learning Objectives)
  • How slowing down actually helps us achieve more.
  • The main reasons we feel like we are in such a rush.
  • How to maximize each moment at work and home.
  • Tips to improve thinking and decision making.
This webinar will help you work and live with greater intention and enjoyment.

Effective Communication

Own Your Voice: Assertive Communication

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Assertiveness is being self-assured and confident without being aggressive.

Someone who is assertive states their needs and opinions clearly, so that people take notice.

This webinar will help you navigate fear and uncertainty, and practice strategies for assertive communication.

We will explore the importance of assertive communication, and practical strategies for owning your voice.

You will learn (Learning objectives)

  • The key differences between aggressive and assertive communication.
  • The risks & benefits of being a more assertive leader.
  • How to align your verbal, vocal, & visual communication to own your voice like a boss!

About the Speaker: Emilie Aries

Emilie Aries is a nationally recognized speaker, writer, and podcaster, and the Founder and CEO of Bossed Up, an innovative personal and professional training organization that helps women craft sustainable careers.

Emilie is a political organizer turned award-winning women’s leadership consultant. She has helped hundreds navigate career transition and prevent burnout.

Her new, Bossed Up, was published in 2019 by Public Affairs Books (a division of The Hachette Book Group). It helps people step up as the boss of their life and assertively design a sustainable career path.

She earned her B.A. in political science from Brown University and completed a Fellowship on Organizing at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Simpatico: How to Make Connections and Build Rapport with a Variety of Personalities and People

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Productive and healthy workplaces  require good relationships and professionals skilled at connecting with one another. For managers and employees alike, it is essential that they enhance their skills in communication and building rapport with one another and the public they serve.

In this training you will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • How to quickly build a comfortable rapport with co-workers & key stakeholders.
  • How to ask questions that spur good conversation.
  • How to listen so others feel heard.
  • How to effectively have difficult conversations and address challenging issues.
  • Vulnerability: How the power of your story brings you closer to others.
  • How to follow up after a good conversation or moment of connection.

Learn how to communicate and connect in this dynamic presentation!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Authentic Influence: Communication that Moves Clients and Co-Workers to Action

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If you want to have greater influence and impact in your work, it is important to understand the psychology of why people say yes and make positive changes in their lives.

To have greater impact, we need people to buy-in to our ideas and ultimately put them into action.

Learning Objectives – In this training you will learn how to ethically apply the six universal principles of influence as defined by the research of Dr. Robert Cialidini:

  • Reciprocation
  • Commitment and consistency
  • Social Proof
  • Liking
  • Authority
  • Scarcity

You will also learn how to notice when people are using these strategies against you in a dishonest way.

Finally, you will learn motivational interviewing techniques that can help inspire change in clients or others with whom you work.

Get ready to improve your communication and negotiation and influence skills!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

The Dig: Increase Trust, Confidence and Connection through Authentic Interactions

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Every person has the power to communicate and connect authentically. On the other side of this connection is TRUST. And trust turns into more abundance, more partnerships, more progress.

What people don’t realize is in order to get clear and make connections with people, we first need to understand HOW to discover our own truth, and share it with others in a way that resonates.

Erin Weed has developed a system for this called The Dig. She takes the audience on an interactive journey to first understand self, and then connect with others.

She teaches an exercise called Head-Heart-Core to help people understand the difference between expressing thoughts, feelings and desires. When people learn to communicate from all three places, we are showing up as the most authentic version of ourselves.

Erin helps people understand the unique power of our stories, the lessons we learn from them and the universal truths that tie all humans together.


  • Increase trust among co-workers, colleagues and clients
  • Authentically communicate thoughts, feelings and desires
  • Use storytelling for deeper interpersonal connection
  • Distill your truth down to just ONE WORD
  • Feel more clear and confident with who you are</li
  • Aligning your work and life to be congruent with your words
  • Become more confident in showing up as your true self
  • Make stronger connections with people in a shorter amount of time

About the Presenter: Erin Weed
Erin Weed helps leaders and organizations find their voice and speak their truth. She is passionate about communication and authenticity…and the human connection that results as we show up as our true selves.

Erin has been a professional speaker for 18 years, and has spoken to over one million people at live events around the world. She has won numerous speaking awards, and was the closing speaker for TEDxBoulder 2017.

Erin is an experienced keynote speaker, workshop leader and emcee. Her style is humorous, authentic and engaging – the kind of presenter who everyone wants to be friends with. Her ability to connect and inspire keeps her busy traveling, and she hopes to meet you soon.

Effective Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Resolution

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Are you confident when negotiating with your boss, co-workers & clients? Do you dread planning holidays with your in-laws? Do salary discussions make your stomach turn?

Escape second-guessing and selling yourself short by finding the negotiator in you!

Each one of us negotiates every single day of our lives — at work, with loved ones, and in other personal interactions.

Whether you’re buying a TV, deciding on a vacation spot, getting your children to do their homework, or asking for a raise, your negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution skills are continually put to the test.

In this webinar, Dr. Joshua Weiss will show you how to negotiate with confidence and calm for successful results!

About the Presenter: Dr. Joshua Weiss
Dr. Joshua N. Weiss is the co-founder, with William Ury (Author of Getting to Yes), of the Global Negotiation Initiative at Harvard University and a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Negotiation Project.

He is also the Director and creator of the Master’s of Science degree in Leadership and Negotiation at Bay Path University.

He received his Ph.D. from the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University in 2002.

Dr. Weiss has spoken and published on Negotiation, Mediation, and systemic approaches to dealing with conflict.

In his current capacity, he conducts research, consults with many different types of organizations, delivers negotiation and mediation trainings and courses, and engages in negotiation and mediation at the organizational, corporate, government, and international levels.

Dr. Weiss has conducted trainings and consulted with a number of organizations, companies, and governmental entities, including: Microsoft, 5th 3rd Bank, Novellus, Christies Art Auction House, Prospectiv, CDM Smith, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Genzyme, the Yala Network, Shades Organization, United Nations (multiple departments), the US Government (State Department and Transportation Security Administration), various pharmaceutical companies, universities, and state governments.

Body Language: Understand the Messages Behind Micro-Expressions, Gestures, and Posture

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Understanding body language cues help us communicate better and more clearly understand what others are truly thinking and feeling.

In this webinar by body language expert Kanan Tandi of Body Speaks Better, you will learn the following (learning objectives):

How to Identify & Interpret Micro-Expressions

Sometimes people don’t say what they mean or mean what they say. By understanding micro-expressions, you will know what people mean and how they feel, even if they don’t say it.

How to Read People through Gestures & Postures

You will learn the meaning behind various types of gestures and postures. These reveal confidence, interest and more. Knowing them makes it easier to read others.

Get ready to understand the messages behind body language in this fun webinar!

About the Presenter: Kanan Tandi

Kanan is the Director of Body Speaks Better, a body language training agency. She is certified by the Center for Body Language, a world-renowned body language and micro expressions training organization. She has also studied under Dr. Matsumoto, Humintell, Vanessa Van Edwards, Science of People, and more. She earned an MBA in Communication Management from Symbiosis International University.

Conflict Resolution: Turning "oh no!" Moments in "Aha!" Success

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The #1 source of pain on a team, or in any relationship, is conflict. When a team avoids conflict, it wastes the precious energy that drives creative problem-solving. What if conflict wasn’t good or bad? What if conflict was an energy source your team could harness to produce innovative, creative, and transformational results?

In this webinar, CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke will reveal the following:

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the root causes of unproductive conflict
  • Learn the root causes of conflict avoidance
  • Learn practical real-world tools to deal with and use conflict to create productive solutions.

About the Presenters: Susan Clarke & CrisMarie Campbell

Susan Clarke – With curiosity, compassion, and laser-focus, Susan helps people identify and eliminate the blocks that keep them from creating what they really want in their relationships, work, and life. In 2002 she co-founded Thrive! with CrisMarie Campbell to help individuals and teams develop their leadership skills, increasing their influence, vitality [aka mojo] and momentum for creating the changes they want to see and experience in their lives.

CrisMarie Campbell – CrisMarie has a passion for people in leadership and creating winning teams. As an Olympic and World Championship rower, she learned firsthand what makes a championship team versus simply a team of champions. In 2002, CrisMarie co-founded Thrive! with Susan Clarke to share her unique perspective to a wider audience making relationships matter as much as organizational results.

Compassionate Curiosity: Finding Confidence in Conflict

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Do you struggle in difficult conversations? Have you ever let fear and anxiety prevent you from saying what needed to be said? Have you ever felt as though you don’t know what to say?

In this webinar you will learn the powerful Compassionate Curiosity framework. It is designed to guide you through difficult conversations, at work and at home. You’ll know what to say, how to say it, and when to say it in order to maximize persuasion while minimizing the risk of destructive dialogue.

You will learn (learning objectives):

  • How to defuse potentially explosive conflicts before the conversation breaks down.
  • How to use conflict as a tool to increase understanding and strengthen relationships.
  • How to use the fundamental tenets of cognitive behavioral therapy to help you to overcome fear and anxiety.
  • How to consistently put yourself in the best position for success.

The best things in life often lie on the other side of difficult conversations. However, fear and anxiety often overwhelm us and prevent us from standing up for ourselves when it matters most.

Learn how to overcome this fear and deal with conflict in this webinar!

About the Speaker: Kwame Christian, Esq., M.A.

Bestselling author and speaker Kwame Christian is the Director of

the American Negotiation Institute and a subject matter expert in the field of

negotiation and conflict resolution. Kwame has conducted workshops

throughout North America and abroad, and is a highly sought after national

keynote speaker .

Host of the world’s most popular negotiation podcast, Negotiate Anything ,

Kwame is dedicated to empowering others through the art and science of

negotiation and persuasion. The show features leading experts in the field

to deliver the best-in-class content. Now downloaded more than 1,000,000

times, Negotiate Anything has a dedicated and growing following with

listeners in more than 180 countries around the world.

Kwame’s TEDx Dayton talk, Finding Confidence in Conflict , was the most

popular TEDx Talk on the topic of conflict in 2017, and has been viewed

over 120,000 times. His book, Nobody Will Play With Me: Finding

Confidence in Conflict, is an Amazon Best-Seller and has helped countless

individuals overcome the fear, anxiety and emotion often associated with

difficult conversations through a branded framework called Compassionate


As an attorney and mediator with a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology, a

Master of Public Policy, and a Juris Doctorate (Law Degree), Kwame brings

a unique multidisciplinary approach to making difficult conversations easier.

He also serves as an adjunct professor for Otterbein University’s MBA

program , as well as The Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law in

the top-ranked dispute resolution program in the country.

Healthy Relationships: Improve Empathy and Communication

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This webinar is about cultivating and sustaining healthy, thriving, fulfilling and meaningful relationships. The key to this is greater awareness. And it doesn’t have to be so difficult. You will learn a dynamic set of communication and social skills to have more harmonious relationships.

You will also learn (learning objectives)

  • How to listen with empathy.
  • How to articulate your needs and feelings without blame and judgment.
  • The “T” exercise that will help you understand your feelings, and have greater empathy for others.

The quality of life and work is the quality of our relationships. Learn how to improve your relationships in this webinar!

About the Speaker: Michael Jascz

Michael Jascz is the Founder and Executive Director of The Relationship Foundation, an educational initiative on the forefront of a unique approach to Social and Emotional Learning with proven results. For over 14 years, Michael has dedicated himself to helping people build healthy and meaningful relationships. Michael has developed a groundbreaking program entitled “Healthy Relationships 101,” which has been introduced in New York City high schools since 2007.

Before working in the school setting, Michael studied the work of leading relationship authors and lecturers — Harville Hendrix and Marshall Rosenberg — whose work inspired the Healthy Relationships 101 curriculum and guidebook. He has given numerous relationship presentations and seminars throughout the United States and Europe, and he maintains a private coaching practice. Michael holds a degree in political science and anthropology from the honors program at Ohio State University.

How to Magically Connect with Anyone

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The most successful people in life and in work are those who make others feel heard, understood, and valued.

How to Magically Connect with Anyone will teach you how to make better and more meaningful connections with anyone that you meet, so that you are seen as indispensable by those around you.

Brian utilizes jaw dropping magic demonstrations and laugh-out-loud stories from a career in entertainment to deliver a powerful message about humanity. Highlights include Brian’s coveted E.A.R.S. system for mastering the art of active listening, and the “Appearing, Flying Potato” tale, a hilarious lesson in pushing through and learning from failure.

After the webinar you will not just feel inspired to be the kind of person who makes others feel heard, understood and valued, but will also have a new toolkit full of instantly implementable strategies to get there.

You will learn (learning objectives)

  • How to create an environment in which everyone feels heard, understood, and valued
  • How to develop “perspective taking” skills that inspire meaningful connections
  • How to integrate the four components of the E.A.R.S. system for active listening into conversations
  • How to discover how to get out of one’s comfort zone in order to make new, daily connections
  • How to develop resiliency against failure

About the Speaker: Brian Miller

Brian Miller is a magician, speaker, and author of personal success book Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities. For 12 years he has shared his magic and his message with thousands of audiences in 11 countries across 4 continents. Based in Connecticut, Brian now performs his interactive blend of jaw dropping magic and laugh-out-loud comedy at 200+ events each year.

As a child, Brian suffered from a debilitating social and speech anxiety. He was bullied and mostly friendless through middle school. Though he loved magic tricks, he couldn’t muster the courage to perform for anyone. Brian got a fresh start in a new school for 9th grade, where he met another student who was also into magic. Through magic and friendship, Brian developed self-confidence for the very first time.

Founding his business at the early age of 16, Brian worked as a professional magician while completing a dual Bachelor’s of Science in mathematics and philosophy, achieving a 4.0 in philosophy and receiving two international awards for presenting original work. He was accepted into a PhD program for Philosophy of Language, but turned it down in order to pursue a career in entertainment.

Brian quickly found a following with college students on the national campus activities circuit, earning two nomination’s for “America’s Best Campus Artist” (Campus Activities Magazine) by the age of 24.

As his act evolved, so did the demand for his work. Brian developed a reputation for mixing world class entertainment with an engaging personality and the ability to adapt to any group. He began accepting invitations to entertain at exclusive private events throughout New England, such as bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, company holiday parties, and corporate events.

De-Escalate: How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less

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We live in an increasingly divided world and most of us have encountered our fair share of aggressive people and difficult confrontations.

Fortunately, we now have the tools to become peacemakers and transform emotionally volatile situations and hurt feelings to calm, non-aggressive ones.

In this webinar you will learn a set of social listening and communication skills, based on the latest findings in neuroscience and meditation.

You will also learn practical tips on how to be civil in an uncivil society.

We can bring peace to all facets of life, cultivate healthier relationships, and participate in creating a more caring and compassionate future for us all.

Learn how in this webinar!

The Magic of Message: How to Talk Less, Say More, and Connect with Anyone

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Did you know the world’s shortest joke can be told in just two words?

It’s hard to get our ideas to spread. The real problem is that we focus too much on how great and innovative our idea is, rather than how clear and understandable it is.

But in truth, the more you know about something, the harder it is to explain it to an outsider.

That’s why to spread our ideas we need to be able to state what it is, who it’s for, and why it matters in one sentence. Yes, just one. And in this program, you’ll learn how.

In this session you’re going to learn how the greatest communicators capture attention, earn trust, and build meaningful relationships, and how you can apply the same techniques to elevate your message the next time you have something important to say.

In this webinar you will learn (Learning Objectives):

  • Understand the formula for producing crystal clear messaging.
  • Apply the techniques used by the world’s best thinkers and doers to capture attention and earn trust in their communication and conversations.
  • Create brand new messages that move people to action.

It Takes One to Tango: How I Rescued My Marriage with (almost) No Help From My Spouse, and How You Can Too

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Conventional wisdom says that “it takes two” to turn a troubled marriage around and that both partners must have a shared commitment to change.

So when couples can’t agree on how—or whether—to make their marriage better, many give up or settle for a less-than-satisfying marriage (or think the only way out is divorce).

Fortunately, there is an alternative.

In this webinar, you will hear marriage and family therapist Winifred Reilly share her own story of reclaiming her now nearly forty-year marriage, along with anecdotes from many clients she’s worked with.

You’ll learn how to: (Learning Objectives)

  • Focus on your own behaviors and change them in ways that make you feel good about yourself and your marriage.
  • Take a firm stand for what truly matters to you without arguing, cajoling, or resorting to threats.
  • Identify the “big picture” issues at the basis of your repetitive fights—and learn how to unhook from them.
  • Be less reactive, especially in the face of your spouse’s provocations.
  • Develop the strength and stamina to be the sole agent of change.

The Elevated Communicator: How to Master Your Style and Strengthen Well-Being at Work

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Discover your communication style and elevate consciousness at work to build trust, strengthen collaboration, relieve stress, and improve wellbeing.

Our work lives revolve around effective communication. It is essential for cultivating trust and team collaboration, as well as strengthening our motivation and wellbeing at work.

And with teams experiencing more anxiety, stress, and burnout than ever before, strong communication skills have never been more essential.

In this webinar you will learn the 4 communication styles based on  Maryanne O’Brien’s  proprietary model:

  • Expressive
  • Reserved
  • Direct
  • Harmonious

You will also learn:

  • The connection between emotional health and communication patterns.
  • Strategies to manage your communication style under stress.
  • Practices to improve your well-being and reduce conflict.
  • Methods to flex toward other styles to communicate more effectively with people.

How to Speak With Kids About Traumatic Events Without Added Fear and Anxiety

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Social media and 24-hour news provides a constant source of unending information that can spread like wildfire. Shielding kids from news and information is not an option.

What’s a parent or professional that works with kids to do?

Don’t be afraid of starting conversations about hard topics. These conversations are a must. Keep the lines of communication open. Calm and Connection are the key!

In this webinar you will learn (Learning Objectives):

  • How to make the conversations happen.
  • What to do before the conversation.
  • When and how to most effectively speak with kids about traumatic events.

Stepping Up: How to Lead from Any Position or Role

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Leading and creating is no longer about hierarchy. It is about taking initiative, having the guts to do something different, and risking failure. It is about caring enough to put in extra thought, time, emotion, and energy to make something remarkable happen.

But leading when you don’t have the position or “title” of authority is tricky.

In this training we cover strategies you can use to make a difference no matter the position you hold.

You will learn:

  • The difference between leadership position and leadership influence.
  • How to increase influence by becoming the ‘go to’ expert in a specific area of your work.
  • How to leverage moments of failure to create meaningful progress.
  • How to observe changing preferences and behaviors in order to adapt the services you provide.
  • How to give yourself permission to make positive changes and take accountability over results.

Do you want your work to be more fulfilling and special? Then lead and create, regardless of your position. Learn how in this dynamic presentation!

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

How to Stay Cool When You are Put on the Spot

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Use your head.
That’s what we tell ourselves when facing a tricky problem or a difficult project. But a growing body of research indicates that we’ve got it exactly backwards.
What we need to do, says acclaimed science writer Annie Murphy Paul, is think outside the brain.
A host of “extra-neural” resources—the feelings and movements of our bodies, the physical spaces in which we learn and work, and the minds of those around us— can help us focus more intently, comprehend more deeply, and create more imaginatively.
In this webinar we will explore the research behind this exciting new vision of human ability, exploring the findings of neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, psychologists, and examining the practices of educators, managers, and leaders who are already reaping the benefits of thinking outside the brain.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
  • How to think outside the brain to solve problems.
  • How to think outside the brain to make discoveries.
  • How to think outside the brain to create new things.

How to Talk So People Want to Listen

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Have you ever felt like you’re talking, but nobody is listening?

In this webinar Julian Treasure will reveal the secrets of powerful speaking — from designing great content to vocal exercises and tips on building rapport.

In this webinar you will learn exercises to develop your communication skills that are as effective at home as in the meeting room or video call.

You will learn (learning objectives):

  • How to make sound work for you.
  • The four cornerstones of powerful speaking and listening.
  • How to avoid the seven deadly sins of speaking and listening.
  • Exercises and methods to achieve clarity, precision, and impact.

The First Minute: How to Start Conversations that Get Results

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Communication should be clear and concise, and we should get to the point quickly.
The problem is we don’t always know how to do this.
What does it mean to be concise? How can a complex topic be summarized in just a few lines?
In this webinar you will get a step-by-step guide for clear, concise communication in everyday work conversations.
You will learn:
  • How to have shorter, better work conversations and meetings.
  • How to get to the point faster without rambling or going off on tangents.
  • How to lead your audiences toward the solution you need.
You will also learn how to apply one technique to almost every discussion, email, presentation and interview with great results.
Get ready to take your communication skills to the next level in this webinar!

Resilience and Self Care

Situational Awareness Safety

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Situational Awareness Safety

Do you serve clients in these places?

  • Homes
  • Hotels
  • Other potentially volatile locations (shelters, treatment facilities, encampments, etc).

If so, you may have played the “what if” game in your head:

  • What if they have a dog?
  • What if I see a gun?
  • What if I am chased or attacked?
  • What if I get hurt?

Situational awareness helps you make careful, safe decisions when faced with a potentially unsafe scenario.

In this interactive Situational Awareness webinar will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • How to calmly make decisions when faced with an unsafe situation.
  • How to act proactively to keep yourself safe.
  • How to mentally prepare and develop a mindset of awareness.
  • Safety tips to help your agency prepare.

Don’t leave your safety, well-being, and health to chance. Learn situational awareness safety skills in this webinar!

Resilience: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

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Letting go of what holds you back is the key to reaching your greatest personal and professional potential. Sharing tips from her bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, Amy Morin, LCSW will share how to give up the unhealthy shortcuts that rob us of mental strength.

In this webinar, Amy will share a clear plan of how to build resilience and mental muscle that will help you during the greatest challenges you face in work and life!

You will learn:

  • How to stop wasting time feeling sorry for yourself
  • How to stop giving away your power
  • How to embrace change
  • How to stop wasting energy on things you can’t control
  • How to stop worrying about pleasing others
  • How to overcome the fear of taking calculated risks
  • How to stop dwelling on the past
  • How to stop making the same mistakes over and over
  • How to enjoy the success of others
  • How to enjoy alone time
  • How to overcome feelings of entitlement
  • How to foster patience when results don’t come immediately 

This is a life-changing presentation. Don’t miss it!

About the Presenter: Amy Morin, LCSW

As a psychotherapist turned author, Amy’s mission is to make the world a stronger place. Her education and expertise as a psychotherapist, combined with her personal experiences overcoming tragedy, give her a unique perspective on mental strength. In 2013, Amy introduced the world to the concept of mental strength when her article, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, became an anthem read by more than 50 million people. She’s been dubbed the “self-help guru of the moment,” by The Guardian and Forbes refers to her as a “thought leadership star.” Her advice has been featured by numerous media outlets including Time, Fast Company, Success, Business Insider,, Fox News, CNN, CNBC, and Today. She also appears in a Red Bull TV show called Visions of Greatness. She lectures across the globe to provide trainings, workshops, and keynote speeches that teach people how to build their mental muscle. Students from 42 countries access her online mental strength course. Amy’s also a lecturer at Northeastern University. She is a columnist for Forbes, Inc., and Psychology Today. She also serves as a parenting expert for Verywell.

The Mountain is You: Transforming Self Sabotage to Self Mastery

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Webinar Description

This webinar is about self sabotage. Why we do it, when we do it, and how to stop doing it…for good.
Coexisting but conflicting needs create self-sabotaging behaviors. This is why we resist efforts to change, often until they feel completely futile.
In this webinar you will learn how to:
  • Extract crucial insights from your most damaging habits.
  • Build emotional intelligence by understanding your brain and body.
  • Release past experiences.
  • Step out of your own way, and into your potential.
For centuries, the mountain has been used as a metaphor for the big challenges we face, especially ones that seem impossible to overcome.
To scale our mountains, we actually have to do the deep internal work of excavating trauma, building resilience, and adjusting how we show up for the climb.
In the end, it is not the mountain we master, but ourselves.
Learn how in this webinar!

Cracking the Stress Code: Achieve Work/Life Balance and Stop Stress from Taking Over

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We live in world of high stress. From intense workloads, to looming deadlines, to personal difficulties- stress takes on many forms that adversely affect productivity, performance, and health.

Stress is a real problem that affects the bottom line of work and life. When we try to manage stress instead of using it to our advantage it makes us feel:

  • Fatigued
  • Depressed
  • Unproductive
  • Unmotivated to achieve and succeed

When we embrace the power of stress utilization we realize that we are in charge of our inspiration and energy levels and we become:

  • High performers
  • Energized
  • Healthy
  • Driven to conquer obstacles and succeed

Based on in-depth scientific research of how the human brain and body processes stress, working directly with hundreds of clients from some of the most intense environments imaginable, and challenging personal experiences, Dr. Terry Lyles has pioneered the field of stress utilization. Stress is not something that can be managed; but something that can be used and controlled for maximized output and success.

This insightful and eye-opening presentation will teach you: (Learning Objectives)

  • Why stress utilization is key and stress management is ineffective.
  • How to navigate stress and pressure in the workplace and your personal life.
  • The ways that you respond to stressful situations will define your future efforts and endeavors.
  • Simple ways to recharge and recover for maximized energy throughout the day.
  • How to align your mind and body in order to maximize productivity.

Most of all, Terry shows you that when you take hold of stress you become a better more productive leader, manager, employee, and person in every area of your life.

About the Presenter: Dr. Terry Lyles

Dr. Terry Lyles’ work is focused on teaching groups of all ages how to navigate life’s storms and difficult situations through stress utilization and work/life balance training.

Terry has spent his life measuring and studying human performance. He holds a Ph.D. in psychology, has conducted extensive research in sports science, and is an expert in biotelemetry and psycho-telemetry.

Recognized as a thought leader in his field, Dr. Terry Lyles has appeared on NBC, ABC, USA Today, CNN, Headlines News, The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, FOX News, and in U.S. News & World Report. He has also hosted a premier talk show sponsored by Success Magazine and was heard on-air as the “Stress Doctor” in south Florida.

Dr. Lyles has spent the past 20 years working with a diverse group of clientele in extreme settings. He has brought the vital tool of stress utilization to organizations like NASCAR Evernham Motorsports, DaimlerChrysler, Macy’s West, Pfizer, Universal Studios, ABC, ESPN, and Disney.

Perhaps the greatest teacher has been Terry’s own personal experiences. He has voluntarily placed himself into emotionally intense environments and situations like supporting fire-rescue workers in and around Ground Zero, helped international forensic medical teams in the Asian tsunami-torn area, and served regularly as a resource for other regions experiencing hurricanes and natural disasters.

He also has served as a caretaker for his own adult son—diagnosed with Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy, he wakes up every day facing an uphill battle against his physical limitations. Despite being given dismal odds, his son emotes joy and powers through the day with immense motivation. His son’s example made Terry ask an impactful question, “What is my excuse?” and then “What is your excuse?”

No one should live as a slave to his or her stress. Terry knows without a doubt that his time- tested, scientifically-measured approach to stress utilization fosters creativity, cultivates motivation, and increases productivity.

Next Level Self Care

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Next level self care is more than just mastering coping mechanisms.

It requires sacrifice that allows us to develop a resilient lifestyle that thrives no matter what is happening in the world.

Next level self care is hard, and not always fun, but worth it.

In this training you will learn:  (Learning Objectives)

  • How to establish healthy boundaries in relationships.
  • How to become more emotionally resilient.
  • Resources to improve fitness and nutrition.
  • Next level financial self care.

Next level self care is about prioritizing and making hard trade-offs. Learn how in this training!

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Drowning in Empathy: The Cost of Vicarious Trauma

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a health issue most people are familiar with, but what about those individuals who dedicate their lives to caring for the traumatized? What is the cost to them? Every day, professionals in the ‘caring professions’ selflessly serve traumatized people.

However, research has shown it comes at an extreme cost. The empathetic nature of caring professionals exposes them to an increased risk of vicarious trauma, or Compassion Fatigue, where the helper during a crisis can also become personally affected without experiencing the trauma. The PTSD symptoms can begin to manifest in those serving the traumatized and begin to create significant personal, emotional, and psychological changes within a person.

Amy Cunningham discovered Compassion Fatigue in her work as a supervisor of a juvenile probation therapeutic group home. Not realizing it, Amy’s constant exposure to the troubled teens and their issues would change her, and she developed Compassion Fatigue. After several months of implementing strategies recommended for Post Traumatic Growth, she began to normalize and find healing.

In this webinar, you will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • How to differentiate between stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue.
  • How to recognize the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue.
  • How to identify the trajectory of compassion fatigue and begin to implement the 5 resilience’s needed to assist you in achieving post-traumatic growth.

About the Presenter: Amy Cunningham

Amy inspires individuals to live a life of compassion, empathy, passion, and purpose. She has spent the last 19 years working with nonprofits and mental health organizations, which began with a focus on assisting adolescents to overcome trauma and redefine their lives.

After recognizing the negatives effects that caring can cause, she became a certified Compassion Fatigue Educator through Green Cross Traumatology, and has traveled throughout the nation advocating a balance between work, life, and taking care of oneself. In 2011, Amy developed the Compassion Fatigue Training Program for the Center for Health Care Services – a division of Bexar County, Texas’ community mental health agency.

Amy currently serves as a Talent Management Consultant for CHRISTUS Health. CHRISTUS Health is an international non-profit hospital system with more than 35,000 employees. Amy serves on a team dedicated to the implementation and planning of all Leadership Development programs for the CHRISTUS Health System.

Since understanding Compassion Fatigue is vitally important to employee health, Amy pioneered the development of Compassion Fatigue training for CHRISTUS.

Transform: The 4 Laws of Behavior Change

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“If you are having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. This problem is your system.” ~ James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

Behavior change is hard. In fact, 91% of people don’t achieve their New Year’s resolutions. 

But 9% do… What makes them different? The systems they set up to make progress.

In this training you will learn how to put the 4 laws of behavior change into action:

  • Make it obvious.
  • Make it attractive.
  • Make it easy. 
  • Make it satisfying.

You will also learn the difference between goals vs. systems when working to achieve your goals.


Use this training to better help your clients, and to take your life and performance at work to the next level!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Working through Crisis: Strategies to Support Yourself and Clients

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Right now many people are working through a crisis. The ongoing pandemic and recent staff and service shortages are creating incredible challenges for clients and the professionals that help meet their basic needs.


To survive this moment we need more than basic coping mechanisms. We need resilient strategies that help us physically and emotionally endure whatever we are facing. We also need tips to engage with clients when things get tough that are beyond our control. 


In this training we will explore: (Learning Objectives)


  • How to establish healthy personal and professional boundaries.
  • How to become more emotionally resilient.
  • How to effectively communicate with clients when challenges arise.
  • What to do when it seems like there are no good options.

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Mindful: Use Meditation, Visualization and Mindfulness Practices to Increase Focus, Productivity and Well-Being

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Mindfulness is the practice of maintaining a moment by moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment, without judgment.

It is about living and working in the present moment, free from regrets about the past or fear about the future. Mindfulness helps calm our anxieties, increases focus and improves creativity and productivity.

In this training you will learn:

  • Practical mindfulness exercises you can use every day.
  • How to reduce the impa+ct of difficult emotions.
  • How to stop spiraling negative thoughts and bring your mind back to the present moment.
  • The benefit of having an intentional calming space.
  • Simple meditation exercises that bring peace and focus.
  • How to use intentions and affirmations when setting goals.
  • Mindfulness strategies in the workplace, and more!

Now is the time to live and work mindfully. Learn how in this presentation!

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.  

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.  

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Nature and Nurture: Boost Mental Health, Productivity and Self Care

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Fluorescent lights. Cubicles. Internal offices with no windows. Low energy. Sound familiar? We are spending less time outdoors than ever before. However, the impact of getting outside (and bringing nature inside) has great benefits for self care, mental health and productivity (for both us and our clients).

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the benefits of the outdoors for self care
  • Learn how getting outside improves mental health
  • Learn how getting outside improves productivity and focus
  • Learning about the mood-boosting benefits of the great outdoors for your clients, community and YOU!

About the Presenter: Hannah Maertz

Hannah has spent most of her career working in the non-profit sector, preparing at-risk youth for employment and education opportunities, programming public radio, and providing care to folks in need. Hannah is now is a Community Manager for a coworking space in downtown Minneapolis.

When not at work, you’ll find Hannah exploring Minneapolis on bike, checking out a local music show, or passionately discussing the importance of spending time in the outdoors. She has a B.A. in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies and a B.A.S in Psychology from the University of Minnesota – Duluth.

Regret Reclaimed: How to Improve Decisions and Performance by Learning From Negative Moments

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People often say “I have no regrets,” or “live with no regrets.” 

But let’s face it, regrets are inevitable. 

We have all done things that we wish we had handled differently.

According to author Daniel Pink, there are 4 categories of regrets:

  1. Foundation Regrets: “If only I’d done the work or put in the effort.”
  2. Boldness Regrets: “If only I’d taken that risk.”
  3. Moral Regrets: “If only I’d done the right thing.”
  4. Connection Regrets: “If only “I’d reached out.”

Handled properly, regrets help us learn.

In this training we will dig into the 4 categories of regrets and learn how we can use them to do the following (Learning Objectives):

  • How to use regret to improve personal and professional decisions.
  • How to use regret to boost performance.
  • How to use regret to deepen meaning. 

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Transform Your Boundaries: Good Boundaries, Free You

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Transform Your Boundaries: Good Boundaries, Free You is centered on the simple notion that your boundaries are there to take care of you, but can’t unless you tune in to, know and strengthen them.

Learn from author, national speaker, and therapist Sarri Gilman, LMFT how to tackle boundaries of all shapes and sizes, from the simplest to the most extreme, by developing the necessary techniques.

Learning Objectives

  • A four-step process to build self awareness, boundary awareness, emotional awareness, and how to deal with the most challenging boundary issues.
  • How to examine cause-effect relationships and relate those to boundary development.
  • How to recognize which boundary skills you need to develop, and how to practice those skills.
  • Practical ways to set boundaries in extremely challenging situations.

Get ready to transform your boundaries and life with Sarri Gilman!

About the Presenter: Sarri Gilman, LMFT

Sarri Gilman, LMFT is a psychotherapist, author, and workshop presenter. She is the author of Transform your Boundaries® (2014) and Naming and Taming Overwhelm for Healthcare and Human Service Providers (2017). Her humanitarian work includes founding two non-profits, and running non profits for 20 years.

In 2014 she retired from running non-profits to focus on teaching about boundaries. Her work with people led her to conclude that we have lots do to clarify our boundaries, improve our self-care, and face the things that are overwhelming.

Sarri continues to work in private practice on Whidbey Island and teach workshops. She lives with her husband and a tiny dog name Romeo. She spends her free time nordic skiing, knitting, swimming, hanging with her grown kids, and jogging on the island roads of her home.

Mental Monsters: How to Overcome Emotions and States of Mind that Sabotage Team Trust and Personal Well-Being

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Most have heard of IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) and how they contribute to our overall potential. A new kind of intelligence, Positive Intelligence (PQ) is on the rise.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) helps us maximize our potential. 

However, according to the research of Shirzad Chamine, 80% of all teams operate below a critical Positive Intelligence level, and fall short of achieving their true potential for success and happiness.

Why? Mental Saboteurs.

Saboteurs are the voices in our head that generate negative emotions in the way we handle life’s everyday challenges. 

They represent automated patterns in our minds for how to think, feel, and respond. They cause stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage our performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

In this training you will learn:

  • The 10 saboteurs and how they impact performance.
  • How to identify and overcome your top mental saboteurs.
  • How to increase your Positive Intelligence (PQ).
  • How to apply PQ tools and techniques to increase performance and fulfillment.

When it Hits the Fan: Navigating Mistakes and High Stress Moments

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Mistakes. Accidents. Failure. Divorce. Break ups. Bankruptcy. Foreclosure. Eviction. Recovery. Sometimes our life and work just hits the fan. How we navigate mistakes and stressful moments determines our health and well-being professionally, personally and for loved ones around us.

In this session you will learn:

  • Effective strategies for handling the harder times of life.
  • How to make good decisions when stuck between two unpleasant options.
  • How to identify why mistakes happened so that we can learn and grow from them.
  • How to manage stress and develop a healing and recovery plan.

Get ready to turn past mistakes into current strengths in this presentation that will help you prepare for, heal and transform during difficult experiences!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Stress Management: Reduce Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Burnout

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Stress Management: Reduce Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Burnout

This webinar will explore two questions:

1. What does a healthy identity look like when incorporating mind-body-spirit self care practices that help manage stress?

2. How can we implement effective mind-body-spirit practices to achieve and maintain wellness and wholeness?

In this webinar you will learn (Learning Objectives):

  • How to identify stressors and their impact on your life.
  • The difference between vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout.
  • Learn stress-relieving tools to target specific stressors.
  • How to set professional and personal boundaries in order to alleviate stress.

About the Presenter: Dr. Gimel Rogers

Dr. Gimel Rogers is a licensed psychologist and is Board Certified in Clinical Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology.

With over 10 years of clinical, professional speaking, and training experience she is the owner of F.I.R.E. Igniting Lives and founder of One Temple Fitness. She is a Custody Evaluator of the Professional Clinical and Forensic Services department at the Institute on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma (IVAT).

She earned her doctorate from Pepperdine University and has provided trauma-focused care with clients from the Children of the Night Program, the Ventura Youth Correctional Facility, FCI Terminal Island, and community programs serving survivors of intimate partner violence.

Surviving and Thriving During Uncertainty, Stressful Times and Beyond

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Stress. Anxiety. Frustration. Fear. Uncertainty. Have you felt any of these emotions lately?

If so, you are not alone. 

Sometimes life and societal events take a toll on our emotional, physical, social, and financial health. 

Self care is hard for many of us during ‘normal’ times. How are we supposed to manage all of this

There are three common problems with a lot of self care advice:

1. It is too basic (yeah…I already know I’m supposed to exercise, eat right and go to bed early!).

2. It creates extra work during an already stressful time. (“Do this new thing, this new thing, AND this new thing and you’ll turn your life around!”).

3. It’s unrealistic (No, most of us can’t actually do it all, especially during times like this. Some balls will drop!).

Let’s explore a better way to do self care. 

In this webinar you will learn (Learning objectives):

  • Triggers – How to identify what is bothering you, so you can resolve it.
  • Anti-Goals – How to identify what you don’t want to do, so you can do what you want.
  • Subtraction – What to eliminate to make your life better.
  • Dropping the ball – What commitments to drop and what to preserve when time gets tight.

You will also learn practical tips on how to manage difficult emotions, achieve mental strength, and maintain physical and financial health during difficult times.

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Do the Opposite: How to Burn Bright, Not Out!

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Conform. Do what everyone else is doing. Never quit. Society (and your industry) has laid out a path for you to follow, but is it right for you? Following the masses leads to stress, debt, burnout, and living life in conflict with your values. There is a better way!

Learning Objectives

  • How to overcome burnout at work
  • How to overcome burnout in your personal life
  • Tips for spending time in ways that bring you energy
  • How live with more efficiency.

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Leadership transcends position and hierarchy. It is about initiative, passion, forward-thinking, asking tough questions, calculated risks, and decisive actions during moments that make your heart pound.

Professional and personal leadership takes courage. This is where thought-provoking presentations and consulting by Josh Dye and Convene, LLC make the difference. Since 2010, attendees in over 150 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he melds practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn&rsquo;t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

Speaking of experience, Josh has demonstrated excellent performance and leadership at each professional stop. While working for the MN Multi Housing Association he helped double its membership in Greater MN in less than 18 months, and launched the organization&rsquo;s education programming statewide. At the National Association of the Remodeling Industry- MN Chapter, Josh helped set association records in member recruitment, event attendance, and awards program participation. During his tenure at HousingLink the organization reached all-time highs in website traffic and individual donations. He also spearheaded the launch of HousingLink’s first earned income ventures Twin Cities Rental Revue and Housing Hub.

Josh is the Founder and President of the Convene Training + Resilience Community.

Failing Fearlessly: How to Leverage Failure to Innovate, Grow & Lead

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Where in your life and work do you need to fail to make it better?

That is the opening question of this thought provoking presentation by Josh Dye. Failure surrounds us and is a part of our lives every day. It is also filled with valuable lessons, if we have the courage to learn them.

You will learn

  • How to make good decisions and move forward in the midst of strong, difficult emotions.
  • How to determine when quitting is the right thing to do.
  • Three ways to identify where you can grow through failure.
  • How regular experimenting helps you innovate, grow, and lead.

You will also get inspired by learning to overcome fear through the 5 Steps of Courage and how to handle failure with humility and resilience. Featuring high profile examples from celebrities we all know, and some personal examples too, Josh identifies how failure can propel us as people and organizations forward.

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.  

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.  

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

How to Be Resilient

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When things go wrong do you waste time in the fruitless act of blaming yourself and others?

Do you go on guilt trips and make excuses you know are silly and pointless?

We are all tempted to do the above things when times get tough. The solution is to become resilient. To cultivate your ability to recover from adversity. It is a vital skill.

In this extraordinary presentation Dr. Srikumar Rao will reveal the secret of extreme resilience. A quality that enables you to recover so fast from difficult experiences that an outsider would not realize you were laid low at all.

About the Speaker: Dr. Srikumar Rao

Dr. Srikumar Rao is founder of The Rao Institute. Dr. Rao has authored, Are You Ready to Succeed: Unconventional Strategies for Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and Life, which is an international best seller, and Happiness at Work: Be Resilient, Motivated and Successful – No Matter What, a best seller on Inc’s “The Business Book Bestseller List.”

He is also the creator of the pioneering course, Creativity & Personal Mastery. Srikumar Rao helps leaders around the globe transform their lives so that they can experience abundant joy, no matter what comes their way. Dr. Rao is also a TED speaker and author.

New Normal: How to Adapt When Things Change

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Sometimes things suddenly change and we find ourselves grasping for a new normal.

Examples include:

  • A loved one dies.
  • A relationship ends.
  • A new job role or responsibilities.
  • A big change in income.
  • A big change to our previously comfortable routines.

These sudden changes can leave us feeling out of sorts, lost, uncomfortable, and not knowing what to do next.

In this we will cover how to develop a mindset that adapts quickly when changes happens.

You will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • How to adjust your expectations
  • How to determine what is essential and what is not.
  • How to manage uncertainty and identify reliable information.
  • How to manage relationships during times of uncertainty.
  • How to gain long term perspective during short-term trials.

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Post Traumatic Growth: Bouncing Back from Setbacks and Traumatic Life Experiences

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Post traumatic growth is more than just bouncing back. It is when someone positively transforms their world view after experiencing trauma.

Negative experiences can spur positive change.

According to pyschologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun, people that achieve post traumatic growth report positive responses in these areas:

  • Appreciation of life
  • Relationships with others
  • New possibilities in life
  • Personal strength
  • Spiritual change

Learning Objectives:

In this training you will learn 5 ways to facilitate post traumatic growth in your life and those you serve:

  1. Education
  2. Emotional Regulation
  3. Disclosure
  4. Narrative Development
  5. Service

We can become better after setbacks. In this training you will learn how!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Transitions: How to Grow During Work and Life Changes

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Life is full of transitions, both large and small. We change jobs, move on from relationships, lose loved ones, and reflect on our beliefs and values. These moments of change present great opportunity, but also risk. Depending on how we handle them, transitions can lead to growth OR setback emotionally, physically, and financially.

In this insightful, reflective and interactive presentation you will learn:

  • How to assess if your life and work reflects your values.
  • How to prepare for transitions we see coming in the future.
  • A 4-step process for making good decisions during times of transition.
  • The Relationship Inventory – How to manage relationships during transition.
  • How to handle transitions at work.

This presentation features multiple video and music clips that put our moments of transition in perspective. Get ready to learn strategies that will help you learn, grow and progress during times of transition!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do

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In this webinar, Amy Morin, LCSW will provide guidance on how to raise mentally strong children.

Amy will share research, stories, and examples that help participants understand: (Learning Objectives)

  • The 3 fears that affect the way we raise kids.
  • The 13 unhealthy yet common parenting strategies that rob kids of the mental strength they need to become the best versions of themselves.
  • The exercises that parents can perform alongside their children to help them build and flex the mental muscles they’re going to need in the real world.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries

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Are you tired of bending over backwards for everyone else while no one really looks out for you?

Does it feel like you are always trying to make others happy, and if you ever dare set a limit, you get pushback or guilt trips?

Do you secretly fear saying no because you’re worried people will no long value, or even like you, if you do?

If so, this is the webinar for you.

When you KNOW where your boundaries are and can communicate them confidently, all this will change.

 In this webinar you will learn how to:

  • Stand firm in your limits and teach others to respect them too.
  • Stop feeling pushed around and talked into things you really don’t want to do.
  • Stop feeling so trapped with all the daily expectations and, instead just slow down and enjoy your life.
  • Say no without worrying that people will no longer like or value you.
  • End the need to justify your choices- and feel GOOD about listening to and living your own life for a change.

Get ready to put the right boundaries in place, and start listening to yourself and confidently setting your limits without feeling guilty, stressed or selfish.

The 7 Types of Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity

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The 7 Types of Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity

How can we keep our energy, happiness, creativity, and relationships thriving in the midst of never-ending family demands, career pressures, and the stress of everyday life?

Through rest.

But rest is more than just sleep. 

According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, a board-certified internal medicine doctor, there are 7 essential types of rest we must get:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Spiritual
  • Emotional
  • Sensory
  • Social
  • Creative

A deficiency in any one of these types of rest can have unfavorable effects on our health, happiness, relationships, creativity, and productivity.

In this webinar you will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • The science of rest.
  • The spirituality of rest.
  • The gifts of rest.
  • The fruits of rest.

In this webinar you will learn the tools to give yourself permission to embrace rest, set boundaries, and seek sanctuary without any guilt, shame, or fear.

Managing Stress for Positive Change

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In the workplace, stress is often viewed in purely negative terms.
It’s seen as a response that should simply be minimized or pushed aside. However, it’s possible to use stress to fuel positive change.
In this webinar you will learn (Learning Objectives):
  • What exactly stress is.
  • How you can train yourself to use stress in more effective ways.
  • Reactions vs. responses.
  • Things we can do to reduce employee stress when an organization experiences difficult times.

Real Help: An Honest Guide to Self Improvement

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Webinar Description

Do you feel deep down that if you could just get some momentum that you could create the life you want?
Does it annoy you that you can see the path to success right in front of you, but can’t bring yourself to do it?
If you are the type of person who simply needs clarity, direction, and accountability to push you forward, this webinar is for you.
In this webinar, you will learn:
  • How to identify the key sticking points and blind spots that keep you stuck in loops of procrastination.
  • How to develop the mental toughness you need to thrive in an unfair world.
  • How to stop being a ‘self-help junkie’ who never gets anything done and start executing your ideas.
Get ready to learn concrete steps, tools, strategies, and mindsets that will help you make real change!

Hustle and Float: Reclaim Your Creativity and Thrive in a World Obsessed with Work

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As we struggle to keep up in a knowledge economy that never sleeps, we arm ourselves with life hacks, to-do lists, and an inbox-zero mentality, grasping at anything that will help us work faster, push harder, and produce more.

There’s just one problem: most of these solutions are making things worse. Creativity isn’t produced on an assembly line, and endless hustle is ruining our mental and physical health while subtracting from our creative performance. Productivity and Creativity are not compatible; we are stuck between them, and like the opposite poles of a magnet, they are tearing us apart.

When we’re told to sleep more, meditate, and slow down, we nod our heads in agreement, yet seem incapable of applying this advice in our own lives.

Why do we act against our creative best interests?


The answer lies in our history, culture, and biology. Instead of focusing on how we work, we must understand why we work―why we believe that what we do determines who we are.

This webinar will explore how our work culture creates contradictions between what we think we want and what we actually need, and points the way to a more humane, more sustainable, and, yes, more creative, way of working and living.

How to be Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally Strong


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Strength is built by pushing back against whatever life throws at you. Strength is built by doing what’s hard and leaving your comfort zone.
Over time, everything gets messier and more disorganized. Even if you do nothing, everything still deteriorates and degrades. Without order, optimal function is impossible.
The consequence of suboptimal functioning is mediocre living.
Strong people resist the effects of entropy.
Strength is what allows you to build, rejuvenate, and organize your energies.  Strength can take your life from subpar to outstanding.
  • Physical strength fights against nature. It builds and preserves physical health.
  • Emotional strength resists hysterics. It nurtures and develops emotional well-being.
  • Mental strength erodes irrationality. It fortifies and protects mental health.
In this webinar you will learn (Learning Objectives):
  • How to build physical strength.
  • How to build emotional strength.
  • How to build mental strength.

Confidence Building Strategies for Work and Life

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Discover how to increase confidence, overcome self-doubt, and showcase your strengths!

We all struggle sometimes to find the confidence we need.

In this webinar, confidence and motivation expert Kirsty Hulse will teach practical skills to increase confidence, overcome self-doubt, and showcase your strengths.

You will learn (Learning Objectives):

  • How to improve your self-image by overcoming your negativity bias, softening your inner critic, and learning to think confident thoughts throughout your day.
  • How to develop resilience when dealing with difficult situations.
  • How to demonstrate your unique confident traits and project your confidence outwards.

Best Self: Thrive in Your Personal and Professional Life

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Are your days full of work, relationships and activities that are true to your authentic self, or do you spend time on things you find uninspiring? 

This training is for those who want to identify and live as their best selves.

To help us live and work as our best selves, author and life coach Mike Bayer developed a framework called the seven SPHERES.

The seven SPHERES are:

  • Social
  • Personal
  • Health
  • Education
  • Relationships
  • Employment
  • Spiritual Development

In this training you will learn the following (Learning Objectives):

  • How to improve your social life.
  • How to improve your physical and mental health.
  • Tips for maximizing your career and learning opportunities.
  • Strategies to boost your personal and professional relationships.

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Decision Making: What Magic Tricks Reveal About Free Will

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Psychological scientist and author Dr. Alice Pailhès has pioneered the scientific research on magicians’ mind control tricks, called forcing techniques.

But these mind control tricks don’t just exist in the world of magic – they’re part of your everyday decision-making process.

In this webinar you will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • How forcing techniques work.
  • How to identify blindspots.
  • Invisible forces that shape our decision making.

This is guaranteed to be a fun and enlightening session that will take your thinking and decision making to a new level!

About the Speaker: Dr. Alice Pailhès

Dr Pailhès has pioneered the scientific research on magicians’ mind control tricks, called forcing techniques. Her studies focus on investigating magic tricks to study psychological principles such as illusory sense of agency and freedom over choice, decision-making processes, memory malleability, or placebo effects.

Her research has been published in high-impact journals (e.g., PNAS, JEP: General or TiCS) and has gained visibility through diverse media and public talks (e.g., TED, The Financial Times, BBC and BBC the One Show, the Wellcome Collection…).

She’s the author of The Psychology of Magic, a co-written with Dr. Gustav Kuhn, gathering scientific insights about magic to make it useful and accessible to the magic community.

She is also a committee member of SoMA – the Science of Magic Association – an interdisciplinary organization that promotes rigorous research directed toward understanding the nature, function and underlying mechanisms of magic.

Dr Pailhès is a regular keynote speaker on the topic of the psychology of magic, decision-making, illusory freedom over choice and the quirks of our mind.

Diversity and Inclusion

From Stigma to Strength: How to Communicate with People Whose Behaviors are Stigmatized

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People with addiction and substance use disorders are often blamed for their disease. This stigma discourages people from getting the help they need.

Would you want to interact with somebody who is just going to shame you?

Addiction stigma is baked into our culture. Sometimes we say something and do not realize the shame it heaps on others.

Other times we think we are helping, motivating, or simply ‘telling the truth’ when we are actually harming and re-traumatizing.

In this live webinar we will learn a better way to communicate with people that have a substance use disorder.

You will learn:

  • A brief history of the stigma of addiction.
  • Stigmatizing words people often use.
  • Alternative phrases to use instead.
  • 6 key principles of a trauma informed approach.
  • How to empower people to start making positive changes.

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.


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Microaggressions are the everyday encounters of subtle discrimination that people of various marginalized groups experience throughout their lives. Microagressions can be intentional, unintentional and/or unconscious, and have a big impact on morale in the workplace.

In this webinar you will learn (Learning objectives)

  • The definition of microaggressions.
  • Examples of microagressions.
  • How microaggressions impact us and others in the workplace.
  • Techniques to manage, minimize and eliminate microaggressions in our workplace.

About the Presenter: Marcus Hollan

Marcus Hollan is the COO of Studio5 Learning. Studio5 Learning is a San Francisco-based learning design firm focused on people development. Marcus is also the Executive Director of the Cultivating Change Foundation. The foundation elevates LGBTQ agriculturists through advocacy, education and, community. Marcus earned a Master’s Degree in Community & Leadership Development from the University of Kentucky.

Unconscious Bias: Moving Beyond Shortcuts & Stereotypes Towards Awareness & Fairness

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Our unconscious mind is amazing. It can process much more information than our conscious mind. It makes shortcuts based on our background, cultural environment and personal experiences to make quick decisions about everything around us.

It is also wrong a lot of the time, especially when it comes to people that are different from us in areas of race, skin color, disability, gender, religion, age, appearance, and more.

In this training you will learn how to increase awareness of unconscious bias, and discover strategies to better manage it when serving clients, working with peers, and making key decisions.

You will learn (Learning Objectives):

  • What is bias?

  • How unconscious bias impacts our thinking, expectations and actions.

  • How In Groups and Out Groups affect our beliefs.

  • How to gain greater awareness of where you may have bias.

  • Microaggressions: What they are, and are not.

  • Strategies to reduce the impact of bias on decision making and actions.

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Cognitive Bias: Uncover Blindspots in Your Thinking and Decision Making

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A cognitive bias is an error, or blind spot, in our thinking and decision making.

It convinces us that we have an accurate understanding of a person or situation, when we actually don’t.

Cognitive biases lead to:

  • Decisions with unintended consequences.
  • Decisions that backfire in the long term.
  • Decisions (and actions) that have a negative impact on people we serve.
  • Overconfidence in our knowledge and understanding.

In this training you will learn about common cognitive biases that we experience, strategies to combat the biases, and how to make better decisions.

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Intersectionality: Intersections of Identities

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We live in a chaotic world that is growing increasingly more complex. Human services and public agencies are finding that those we serve are facing an increasing number of challenges in their lives. Further, our organizations are facing our own internal challenges to keep up with diversity, equity and inclusion practices. This webinar will focus on the concept of intersectionality and how it can be used as a framework to better understand ourselves, our organizations, and those we serve.

The session will help participants unpack and understand their own intersections of identity at the crossroads of race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, class, religion, ability and more. From there we will dive deeper to understand how these aspects of ourselves inform both our privileges and vulnerabilities and how those inform how we serve clients, and how we show up in this world.

Webinar Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of intersectionality.
  • Understand how our intersectional identities show up in the workplace and in the world.
  • Learn strategies using intersectionality to better serve our clients.

About the Presenter: Bruce Thao Bruce Thao is Founder & CEO of LIT Consulting – Lead. Inspire. Transform.

Bruce has over 12 years of experience working with diverse communities, including immigrants/ refugees, people of color and LGBTQ. Bruce brings added value to his clients through his combination of expertise in research, non-profit management, mental health & wellness, group facilitation, public policy and leadership development. He provides transformational coaching, diversity training and consulting at the intersections of race, class, gender and sexual orientation to help clients better understand how to evolve in our ever changing global landscape. His work helps leaders to show up as their best and full selves every day.

Through LIT, Bruce works with non-profits, government, academic institutions and foundations to assess and understand systems of oppression, diversity and inclusion both within and outside of the workplace, and to craft strategies to co-create new ways of thinking and working for equity. His leadership coaching focuses on empowering people of color and/or LGBTQ individuals with strategies to harness their inherent resilience and power to bring their full and best selves into the workplace and the world. Prior to his consulting work, Bruce served for 5 years as Director of Programs of a $10 million non-profit driving national policy work, research, and capacity building programs for organizations across the country. Bruce holds a B.S. and M.S. in Psychology from St. Joseph’s University, an M.A. in Social Welfare and completion of all doctoral coursework in Social Welfare from the University of Chicago. He is a 2013 Bush Foundation Leadership Fellow, a 2014 White House Champion of Change, and was named 2016 Young Professional of the Year by the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce. Bruce is currently authoring a book on historical trauma & radical healing.

Race Matters

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This training focuses on structural racism. The trainers review the history of racism in the USA, address individual attitudes and knowledge, explore the concepts of internalized oppression and privilege, and examine how agency based and society-wide institutional arrangements implicitly or explicitly foster racism. Participants learn that they are institutional ‘‘gatekeepers’’ who can affect organizations either by acting to maintain or helping to undo racism.

Learning Objectives

  • How to unpack systemic racism.
  • How to unravel white privilege.
  • How to take steps to be an ally.
  • How to develop an action plan that can be immediately applied.

About the Presenters:

Cecilia Stanton Adams

Cecilia Stanton Adams is the CEO of Stanton Adams Consulting, LLC and is most known for her track record as an accomplished educator and Diversity thought leader. She is committed to a holistic approach to transforming organizations, teams and individuals with the principles of equity and inclusion.

Her education and over 15 years of experience in Strategic Diversity positions, she has contributed to the development of programs and services that increase representation of diversity from education, front line workers through to the highest levels of leadership.

Her visionary approach inspires others to recognize the diversity their organizations may be overlooking in: Recruitment, Retention, Training, Supplier Diversity and Community Relations.

Cecilia earned a Master’s Degree in Psychology & Sociology from Lehigh University in 2003. She also earned a Master’s Degree in Industrial Psychology from Capella University in 2009. She is currently working on earning a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and coaching from Sedona University.

Malissa Stanton Adams

Malissa is a diversity, inclusion and social equity expert. With over 15 years of experience in operations management and organizational development in the public and private sectors, Malissa understands how to motivate others and act as an effective liaison between organizations and members of under-served communities.

For the past 8 years Malissa has served as the COO of Stanton Adams Consulting, LLC. She also serves as the Housing Outreach Representative for Catholic Charities USA. In 2016 Malissa earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Rasmussen College. She is currently earning a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Diversity: Discover Your Potential

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Cultural competence is defined as a set of behaviors and attitudes that enable you to work effectively in multicultural situations. Cultural competency is achieved by developing skills and practices important in cross-cultural interactions and using knowledge about individuals and groups to create practices and policies to create an inclusive environment. Attendees will learn how to establish positive relationships, engage clients, and improve the quality of services you provide.

Learning Objectives

  • The definition of diversity, culture, equity and inclusion.
  • How to identify personal gaps in cultural competence.
  • How to recognize unconscious bias in yourself and others.
  • How to develop an action plan that can be immediately applied.

About the Presenters:

Cecilia Stanton Adams

Cecilia Stanton Adams is the CEO of Stanton Adams Consulting, LLC and is most known for her track record as an accomplished educator and Diversity thought leader. She is committed to a holistic approach to transforming organizations, teams and individuals with the principles of equity and inclusion. Her education and over 15 years of experience in Strategic Diversity positions, she has contributed to the development of programs and services that increase representation of diversity from education, front line workers through to the highest levels of leadership. Her visionary approach inspires others to recognize the diversity their organizations may be overlooking in: Recruitment, Retention, Training, Supplier Diversity and Community Relations.

Cecilia earned a Master’s Degree in Psychology & Sociology from Lehigh University in 2003. She also earned a Master’s Degree in Industrial Psychology from Capella University in 2009. She is currently working on earning a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and coaching from Sedona University.

Malissa Stanton Adams

Malissa is a diversity, inclusion and social equity expert. With over 15 years of experience in operations management and organizational development in the public and private sectors, Malissa understands how to motivate others and act as an effective liaison between organizations and members of under-served communities.

For the past 8 years Malissa has served as the COO of Stanton Adams Consulting, LLC. She also serves as the Housing Outreach Representative for Catholic Charities USA. In 2016 Malissa earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Rasmussen College. She is currently earning a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

A Safe Place to Talk About Race: How to Address Race and Culture in the Workplace

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A Safe Place to Talk About Race: How to Address Race and Culture at Work

This webinar offers practical and real approaches to discuss and navigate the issues of race and culture in the workplace. You will discover steps and tools for more effective outcomes that help you lead with greater confidence.

You will learn:

  • Current Social Justice Issues – How to handle these at work.
  • It’s not our fault – Now, what basic definitions do we need to know?
  • Is Everything about race and culture? What’s the difference
  • Opportunities! 5 ways to respond when someone else makes mistakes.
  • Opportunities! 5+ ways to respond if you make mistakes.
  • What race and culture skills the best leaders demonstrate.

About the Speaker: Sharon Davis

Sharon Davis is a founding member of the Institute for Healing of Racism in 1987.

She has conducted International Dialogue Racism sessions in Mmabato, South Africa, and facilitated a Public Seminar on Cultural and Tribal Unity in Gabaronne, Botswana, and conflict resolution in China. She was interviewed by McNeil/Lehrer Newshour for the “Healing Racism in America” segment.

Sharon served as an International Institute and U.S Immigration Services speaker and MC at Swearing-in Ceremonies for new Americans, a regular TV panelist on “Interfaith Odyssey”, and Advisor and former Executive Director at the National Resource Center for Racial Healing which included being a Project Advisor – Diversity for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory Saturn Titan Mission.

Develop Interpersonal Skills for Inclusive Conversations at Work

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Strong interpersonal skills at work are essential. 

In this webinar,  Sarah-SoonLing Blackburn will share the actions and skills needed to support an inclusive work culture.

You will learn (Learning Objectives):

  • How to boost self awareness and become more curious.
  • How to deal with disagreement.
  • Deep listening.
  • How to apply these skills in one-on-one and group settings.

Still Kicking: Investigating the Intersection of Ageism and Ableism

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Worried about how your mind or body might change over time?

That’s actually ableism, not ageism.

Why does it matter? Because we age well not by denying those changes, but by adapting to them.

In this webinar you will learn (Learning Objectives)

  • The difference between ageism and ableism.
  • How ageism and ableism intersect and reinforce each other.
  • Why it’s so important to dismantle the dread and dual stigma of ageism and ableism.

Productivity and Time Management

Upstream Thinking: How to Solve Problems Before They Happen

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It is common to think that problems are natural and inevitable.

For example:

  • Clients will frequently have questions.
  • It is common for clients to get confused.
  • Some people will always show up late.
  • It’s normal to scramble to meet a project deadline.

What if it didn’t have to be this way?

Well, it doesn’t. Upstream thinking can solve a lot of our annoying, costly probems before they happen!

In this training we will learn:

  • Barriers to Upstream thinking.
  • How to identify if a problem has an upstream cause.
  • Questions to ask to when solving a problem with an upstream cause.
  • How to use second order thinking to avoid unintended consequences when solving problems.
  • How to build systems to solve problems before they start.

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Remote: How to Work Effectively from Home During COVID-19 and Beyond

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COVID-19 is disrupting workplaces across the world. To address the public health crisis people are social distancing. For many, this means working remotely from home. Under normal circumstances, it takes time to adjust to working from home. Now, even more challenges exist.

For example, many are sharing space with their partners who are also working from home, and trying to watch their kids at the same time (including the presenter of this webinar)!

How will staff get anything done?

Don’t lose hope. Instead, watch this webinar for tips on how to effectively work from home during COVID-19 and beyond:

You will learn (Learning objectives):

  • How to communicate when working remotely.
  • How to collaborate when working remotely.
  • How to reduce distractions, especially in the COVID-19 environment.
  • How to set up a productive work from home space.
  • How to train a remote team.
  • How to avoid self-care and productivity pitfalls.
  • Technology tools and tips to get the most out of remote work.

This time is a challenge, but also an opportunity. Learn how to get the most out of these unique circumstances in this Convene Training + Resilience Community webinar!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Procrastinate on Purpose: How to Multiply Your Time and Get More Done

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Everything we know about time management is wrong. We are pressed for time more than ever before, and it is an issue that has a significant impact in our work. In this webinar, Mark Brown addresses the challenges of accomplishing more with fewer resources…and an unforgiving clock. He uncovers the truth about Time-management, which is really SELF-management. He will reveal the five key components for maximizing productivity and multiplying your time.

You will learn (learning objectives):

  • The simple yet powerful 5-step process for conquering your to-do list once and for all.
  • The 5 permissions that will set you free to do your best work on time, without wasting energy battling stress and anxiety.
  • The critical nature of prioritizing and apply practical procedures for managing both time and people successfully.
  • How to develop a pinpoint focus on critical success factors, while identifying and eliminating peripheral distractions that hinder project success.
  • How to obtain the necessary tools to maximize the hours in each day, by becoming a multiplier.

About the Presenter: Mark Brown

Originally from Kingston, Jamaica, Mark Brown Immigrated to the United States at 18 years old with only $40 in his pocket and a dream for a better life.

Today, he has become one of the most popular inspirational speakers in the world.

In 1995, Mark defeated more than 20,000 contestants from 14 countries to win the illustrious Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking. Since then, he has delivered more than 3,500 presentations, to more than 1.7 million people throughout the world.

As an expert in helping people overcome their fears to reach their maximum potential, Mark has been featured on CNN Headline News and the New York Times, and Men’s Health. He even had his own PBS Special which was nominated for an Emmy Award.

He has shared his insights across a wide variety of industries, to major corporations including Sprint, Sheraton, Principal Group, Prudential and Cathay Pacific Airways.

Additionally, Mark has been a guest lecturer at premier academic institutions such as Penn State University, Xavier University and the University of Florida.

Using a unique blend of hilarious humour and hard-hitting honesty, Mark Brown will both challenge and compel your group to take their performance to the next level.

Brain Power: How to Get the Most Out of Your Brain to Improve Thinking, Learning, and Performance

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Understanding how our brains work can transform our daily lives.

Fortunately, brain scientists know a good deal about the things that impact our brains.

In this training we will explore 11 of the brain rules highlighted by molecular biologist Dr. John Medina, and how we can leverage them to improve thinking, learning, and performance.

The 11 Rules we will explore are:

  • Exercise
  • Survival
  • Sleep
  • Stress
  • Wiring
  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Sensory Integration
  • Vision
  • Music
  • Exploration

Understanding the impact of the 11 rules on our brains can help us maximize they way we live and work!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Death by Meeting: Revolutionize Your Culture to Meet Less and Get More Done

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The Monday morning all-staff meeting. One-on-Ones. Regional conference calls. Supervision meetings to discuss client cases. Emergency meetings. Meetings, Meetings, and more Meetings?

Are you experiencing these symptoms?

If so, you must seek immediate help before death by meeting permanently sets in.

All kidding aside, the amount of meetings our agencies hold is destroying morale, increasing burnout, making us less productive (NOT more), and getting in the way of our most important work.

There is a better way!

Learning Objectives

  • How to hold fewer meetings, but keep communication thriving.
  • How to leverage new technology to create transparency and accountability, while still meeting less.
  • An empowered model for decision making and leading that helps you get the most out the times you do meet.

Get ready to revolutionize your work culture to meet less and get more done! Learn how in this dynamic training.

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Leadership transcends position and hierarchy. It is about initiative, passion, forward-thinking, asking tough questions, calculated risks, and decisive actions during moments that make your heart pound.

Professional and personal leadership takes courage. This is where thought-provoking presentations and consulting by Josh Dye and Convene, LLC make the difference. Since 2010, attendees in over 150 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he melds practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

Speaking of experience, Josh has demonstrated excellent performance and leadership at each professional stop. While working for the MN Multi Housing Association he helped double its membership in Greater MN in less than 18 months, and launched the organization’s education programming statewide. At the National Association of the Remodeling Industry- MN Chapter, Josh helped set association records in member recruitment, event attendance, and awards program participation. During his tenure at HousingLink the organization reached all-time highs in website traffic and individual donations. He also spearheaded the launch of HousingLink’s first earned income ventures Twin Cities Rental Revue and Housing Hub.

Josh is now the Founder and President of the Convene Training + Resilience Community.

Declutter, Outsource, Automate: Boost Your Productivity and Peace of Mind

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Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by clutter in your personal life?

Do you feel like you have too much on your plate at work and at home?

Do you need to do more with less time?

If so, this webinar is for you! Professional organizer Rebekah Saltzman will share her best tips to boost your productivity and peace of mind through decluttering, automating, and outsourcing.

You will learn (Learning Objectives):

  • Top 10 decluttering tips to clear your mind (and space!)
  • How to determine what to outsource and when (e.g. house cleaning, lawn mowing, and other tasks).
  • 3 automation tools for increased workplace productivity (e.g. Helpful templates).

About the Presenter: Rebekah Saltzman

Rebekah Saltzman is a professional organizer. Rebekah’s straightforward approach to managing “stuff” and her no-nonsense ability to get to the heart of what is important combines with her people skills to help people get control of their lives through organization.

By helping her clients streamline everything from clothing to papers to books and household goods, they have found that they get the most out of their possessions and stress less about managing it all.

Her experience in moving her own household several times, in combination with her organization planning and doing has led her to specialize in working with clients who are facing a move, whether upsizing or downsizing. She has found that her skills extend to helping others with time management, as well.

A native of Silver Spring, Maryland, Rebekah lives with her husband and three children in Israel.

Time Flies When You Waste It: Learn How to Take it Back

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The old saying “Time flies when you are having fun!” is true, but time flies at the speed of light when you waste it. This keynote presentation highlights the ways we waste time professionally AND personally, and offers practical, helpful tips for getting the most out of each precious moment we are given.

Do you feel like time is no longer you own? In this refreshing and motivational presentation you will learn how to take it back.

You will learn:

  • How to change your meeting culture so they no long drain time & energy.
  • Email hacks to have a manageable inbox every day.
  • Practical minimalism: transforming how time is spent personally.
  • How to have tough conversations that address challenging issues.

Each moment we have is precious. This session will help you spend time the way YOU want!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Flow: Create a Daily Practice to Control Your Time, Increase Productivity and Live Fully

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Are you owning your day, or does it feel like your day is owning you? What progress are you making on your goals and priorities? Do you spend time the way you want, with people who bring you life?

Enough questions. It is time for action. Specifically, it is time to set up a daily practice that helps you do the following:

Learning Objectives

  • Have peace of mind and focus throughout the day.
  • Make progress on your most important life goals.
  • Increase productivity at work.
  • Live life the way you want, fully!

Many of the most productive, successful and peaceful people have a daily practice. Now it is your turn! Learn how in this presentation.

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Leadership transcends position and hierarchy. It is about initiative, passion, forward-thinking, asking tough questions, calculated risks, and decisive actions during moments that make your heart pound.

Professional and personal leadership takes courage. This is where thought-provoking presentations and consulting by Josh Dye and Convene, LLC make the difference. Since 2010, attendees in over 150 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he melds practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

Speaking of experience, Josh has demonstrated excellent performance and leadership at each professional stop. While working for the MN Multi Housing Association he helped double its membership in Greater MN in less than 18 months, and launched the organization’s education programming statewide. At the National Association of the Remodeling Industry- MN Chapter, Josh helped set association records in member recruitment, event attendance, and awards program participation. During his tenure at HousingLink the organization reached all-time highs in website traffic and individual donations. He also spearheaded the launch of HousingLink’s first earned income ventures Twin Cities Rental Revue and Housing Hub.

Josh is the Founder and President of the Convene Training + Resilience Community.

Productivity: How to Work When No One is Watching

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How do you get things done when it feels like the world is conspiring to hijack your time, your attention, and your focus?

When distractions are everywhere, and nothing seems to get accomplished? Start by watching this webinar to learn the tools and strategies for overcoming procrastination, building stronger habits, harnessing daily energy, and being more focused, all so you can be more efficient and effective with your time and get things DONE.

In this webinar you will learn (learning objectives):

  • The importance of being in action.
  • How to prevent obstacles from stopping you.
  • How working with (and around) your brain, can make all the difference in what can be accomplished every day.
  • How to leverage the trifecta of action, energy, and focus to stay on track and get more DONE

About the Speaker: Ellen Goodwin

For 20 years, I ran my own creative business. I loved it at first. Yet, with mastery came complacency. I’d reached my peak and was slowly slipping down the other side of the hill. Many days while waiting for the muse to strike, I would become engrossed in the online world of endless clicks, sucked into a rabbit hole of distractions.

I almost got myself fired.

Bored and unfulfilled, I became addicted to my current situation rather than taking the steps towards my own evolution. Like many people, my catalyst for change came when I hit bottom, nearly fired from a long-term contract because of my inability to stop procrastinating. It was my wake-up call.

So I asked myself:  why?

Powerless and frustrated, I began to ask why.

Why couldn’t I stay on task or finish on time? I began to study procrastination, and the answers came like lightening: my brain. Neuroscience holds not only the answer as to why we stay stuck, but the formula for what we should do instead. By working with our natural human habits rather than fighting against them, we can create a game plan to squash procrastination and step out of our own way.

My understanding can help YOU.

Understanding my own experience allowed me to create a new result. As your Action Instigator and Accountability Partner, I will do the same for you.

Mental Health

Depression in the Family

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It is estimated that nearly 7% of the adult population in the US will at some point in their life suffer from depression. It is a rare family that has not been touched by the pain of depression, which might include drug/alcohol abuse, job-loss, divorce, infidelity, suicide, emotional and physical harm, and a host of other difficult and hard to talk about subjects that harm the integrity of a family.

Despite an increasing number of conversations about depression in the public sphere, many families continue to fight this battle in silence and alienated from their loved ones.

Learning Objectives:

  • Currently accepted causes and treatments of depression.
  • Risk factors associated with the onset of depression.
  • Strategies for working with you loved one to seek help.
  • Recommendations to help your loved one or clients maximize the offerings of the professional mental health offerings.

About the Presenter: Mark Meier, MSW, LCSW

Mark is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over with over 25 years of clinical, professional, and academic training on depression, to go along with a deeply personal understanding of the impact depression has on families and workplaces when left unrecognized and untreated. In 2009 Mark co-founded the Face It Foundation to provide free support services to men who deal with depression and who have survived suicide attempts.

Today Face It serves over 100 men each month with support groups, retreats, education classes, and social activities. In addition to his full-time work at Face It, Mark is on staff in the University of Minnesota’s School of Medicine – Department of Family Medicine and Community Health and an advisor for multiple research studies on depression through the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Mark has delivered over 350 talks across the United States on depression and he openly speaks about his own battle with depression that resulted in his hospitalization in 2002.

Mark believes it’s his own experience with depression that has best positioned him to help others.

Outsmart Your Anxious Brain

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Anxiety is a powerful force. It makes us question our decisions and ourselves, worry about the future, and it fills our days with dread and emotional turbulence.
But what if we understood that anxiety is merely a trick of the mind, trying to convince us we’re in danger?
Anxiety is like a magician behind the curtain, playing subtle tricks on us to convince us that we’re in danger when we’re not. When we understand this, we can observe our anxious feelings with some distance.
It’s time to outsmart your worry and anxiety.
In this webinar you will learn (Learning Objectives):
  • The “trick” of chronic anxiety.
  • The ten most powerful techniques based in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you respond differently to panic, anxiety, worry, and phobias.
It’s time to outsmart your worry and anxiety. Learn how in this webinar!

Optimizing Brain Energy for Mental Health

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Brain Energy is Dr. Chris Palmer’s revolutionary breakthrough in understanding mental health, and improving treatment for anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and more.
In this webinar you will learn: (Learning Objectives)
  • The connection between nutrition, metabolism, and mental health.
  • Diet options to improve mental health.
  • Treatment options for various mental health conditions.
Get ready to hear a fresh approach to mental health and disease!

Depression in the Workplace

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According to the American Psychiatric Association, the cost of depression in the American workplace is in excess of $200 billion annually.

These costs are associated with medical expenses, absenteeism, presenteeism, disability costs, costs related to suicide, and other workplace burdens. With a prevalence rate of nearly 8% among full-time workers, no workplace is immune from the impact of depression.

Learning Objectives

  • Currently accepted causes and treatments of depression.
  • Risk factors associated with the onset of depression.
  • Strategies for educating your workplace about depression.
  • Recommendations to help employees access treatment.
  • Learn tips about how to mitigate the impacts of depression in the workplace!

About the Presenter: Mark Meier, MSW, LCSW

Mark is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over with over 25 years of clinical, professional, and academic training on depression, to go along with a deeply personal understanding of the impact depression has on families and workplaces when left unrecognized and untreated. In 2009 Mark co-founded the Face It Foundation to provide free support services to men who deal with depression and who have survived suicide attempts.

Today Face It serves over 100 men each month with support groups, retreats, education classes, and social activities. In addition to his full-time work at Face It, Mark is on staff in the University of Minnesota’s School of Medicine – Department of Family Medicine and Community Health and an advisor for multiple research studies on depression through the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Mark has delivered over 350 talks across the United States on depression and he openly speaks about his own battle with depression that resulted in his hospitalization in 2002.

Mark believes it’s his own experience with depression that has best positioned him to help others.

Mental Health and Well-Being in the Workplace

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The importance of good mental health and wellbeing in the workplace is a subject of increased awareness and attention.
One in four people will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives.
In this webinar speaker Gill Hasson will share guidance for improving mental health and supporting those struggling with their mental health.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
  • Why and how to promote mental health in the workplace.
  • Guidance on managing staff experiencing mental health challenges.
  • How to deal with employee stress and anxiety.
  • How to support those struggling with mental health, regardless of your role.


Waste Free Kitchen

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Imagine walking out of the grocery store with 4 bags full of fresh food, dropping one, and not bothering to pick it up.

Seems crazy, but that’s essentially what most of us are doing all the time. The average American throws away over $35 each month in the form of uneaten food. Yup, the lettuce that went bad, the leftovers you never got around to eating, and the science experiment in the back of the fridge you’re hoping your husband will clean up one day—they all add up to 15 to 25 percent of the food you buy going uneaten.

In this webinar you will learn easy tips on how to reduce food waste.

You will learn (Learning Objectives)

  • Grocery shop smarter
  • Plan meals better
  • Decode expiration dates
  • Use your fridge to its full potential
  • Cook with leftover ingredients
  • Store foods properly, including specific shelf-life, storage and creative use-it-up ideas for more than 85 common foods.

Reducing food waste has never been easier or more delicious! Learn how in this webinar!

About the Speaker: Dana Gunders

Dana Gunders is a national expert and strategic advisor for food waste reduction. Dana focuses on solutions that prevent surplus food from occurring, as those are the solutions with the highest financial and environmental return.

Some of her proudest achievements include authoring Waste Free Kitchen Handbook, testifying in Congress, and helping to launch both the food-waste think tank ReFED and the now $100M Save the Food campaign.

For almost a decade, she was a Senior Scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and one of the first to bring to light just how much food is wasted across the country through her 2012 report Wasted: How America is Losing Up to 40% of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill.

Her work has been covered on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, NPR Science Friday, CNN, NBC, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fox, Dr. Oz and many other outlets.

Power Foods for the Brain with Dr. Neal Barnard

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Everyone knows good nutrition supports your overall health, but few realize that certain foods, power foods, can protect your brain and optimize its function, and even dramatically reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.

New York Times bestselling author, clinical researcher and health advocate Dr. Neal Barnard has gathered the most up-to-date research and created a groundbreaking program that can strengthen your memory and protect your brain’s health.

In this webinar you will learn from Dr. Barnard which foods to increase in your diet and which to avoid, and specific exercises and supplements that can make a difference. 

It will not only help boost brain health, but it can also reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and other less serious malfunctions such as low energy, poor sleep patterns, irritability, and lack of focus.

You’ll discover: (Learning Objectives)

  • The best foods to increase cognitive function.
  • Dairy products and meats-the dangers they may pose to your memory.
  • The surprising roles alcohol and caffeine play in Alzheimer’s risk
  • The latest research on toxic metals, like aluminum found in cookware, soda cans, and common antacids.

About the Presenter: Dr. Neal Barnard

Neal D. Barnard, M.D., F.A.C.C., is a physician, clinical researcher, New York Times Best Selling Author author, and an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Dr. Barnard’s articles have appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the American Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Scientific American, the American Journal of Cardiology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Lancet Oncology, Preventive Medicine, and in many other scientific and medical journals. He is the editor-in-chief of the Nutrition Guide for Clinicians and the author of 18 books for lay audiences.

In 2015, Dr. Barnard was named a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, and he received the American College of Lifestyle Medicine’s Trailblazer Award in 2016. He is an active member of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, the American Medical Association, and other organizations working to improve health and medical care.

A New Perspective on Wellness: Improve Your Fitness and Mindset

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True wellness goes beyond fitness and nutrition. It starts with your mindset. What are the stories you tell yourself? We often carry stories about ourselves that are not helpful or uplifting. Sometimes these stories come from what other people have said about us. It is time to take a deeper look at what makes us tick.

In this presentation, Carisa Rasmussen, founder of Clean & Lean and regular Fox 9 morning show contributor, will help you see yourself in a new way. You will learn how to set and accomplish goals that nobody can prevent you from achieving. You will also learn some great fitness tips you can implement right away to improve your health.

Learning Objectives

  • How to train your mind.
  • How to address the unhealthy stories we tell ourselves about what we can and can’t do.
  • How to set achievable personal and professional goals.
  • How to overcome adversity.
  • Gain a new perspective on wellness that will help you feel more healthy and achieve your goals!

About the Presenter: Carisa Rasmussen

Carisa Rasmussen has been a speaker at both national and local events. Carisa has been a Fox 9 morning show contributor since 2013. She’s known for cultivating hope and inspiration through her presentations and online courses.

Carisa built two successful business’ and has been a consistent Fox 9 cooking and fitness contributor since 2013. The first company Carisa started and currently owns, Accessible Homes, builds and remodels homes for people with disabilities in both MN and western WI.

Rasmussen sees her greatest accomplishment as losing over 75 LB’s while running a million-dollar business, as a full time student, all when she was still a new Mom. She shares that it doesn’t matter what the goal is that you want to accomplish, you’ll need the same tools to accomplish any goal.

Carisa has held pageant titles, competed at a national fitness competition and completed a half marathon. Rasmussen is the official personal trainer for Miss MN. She is a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition consultant. She has helped thousands of people create a more confident and healthy lifestyle through her online programs and motivational presentations.

Nom Nom: Improve Your Nutrition and Meal Planning

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Nutrition is about energy, health, and nutrients. Meal planning is about time, organization, process and strategy. Learn from the popular Fox 9 morning show contributor Carisa Rasmussen helpful tips on what to eat and effective meal planning for you and your family!

Learning Objectives:

  • How nutrition impacts energy.
  • How nutrition impacts health.
  • How much water to drink and greens to eat.
  • Tips on how to develop a healthy nutrition lifestyle and mindset.

About the Presenter: Carisa Rasmussen

Carisa Rasmussen is a national speaker. Carisa has been a Fox 9 morning show contributor since 2013. She’s known for cultivating hope and inspiration through her presentations and online courses.

Carisa built two successful businesses. The first company Carisa started and currently owns, Accessible Homes, builds and remodels homes for people with disabilities in both MN and western WI.

Rasmussen sees her greatest accomplishment as losing over 75 LB’s while running a million-dollar business, as a full time student, all when she was still a new mom. She shares that it doesn’t matter what the goal is that you want to accomplish, you’ll need the same tools to accomplish any goal.

Carisa has held pageant titles, competed at a national fitness competition and completed a half marathon. Rasmussen is the official personal trainer for Miss MN. She is a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition consultant. She has helped thousands of people create a more confident and healthy lifestyle through her online programs and motivational presentations.

Breathe to Succeed: Improve Productivity, Creativity and Clarity through Mindfulness

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You’re likely feeling the effects of less humanity and more technology. Our minds are distracted, our attention spans are shortened, we want everything on demand, email inboxes are never empty, our energy is frequently negative, we’re addicted to social media, and we’re sleep deprived. This cannot be the new normal. Breath is the antidote!

This ‘Breathe to Succeed’ webinar will share the transformative power of breath in in the workplace. Even just three deep breaths at key moments can make a huge difference. We’ll learn Sandy Abrams’s fast, simple, and effective breathing techniques, and become more mindful and engaged and experience better moods, a calmer perspective, and positive energy that will translate to next-level productivity, creativity, and clarity.

You will learn (Learning Objectives)

  • How to utilize a variety of simple breathing techniques to access your optimal energy and manage your emotions in the moment.
  • How to become self-aware of your negative thought patterns/behavior and rewire your brain with positive new habits.
  • How to activate the power of your mind to breathe through challenges, make better decisions, and reach goals effortlessly.

About the Presenter: Sandy Abrams

Sandy Abrams is a self taught entrepreneur who (much to her surprise) turned a product idea into a multi-million dollar business (launched in 1993), Moisture Jamzz. A self-taught entrepreneur without a business background, Sandy had the passion and persistence to roll up her sleeves and learn on the fly. After years of sweat equity building her business, she turned her naivite into success, experience and savvy. Her signature products, Moisture Jamzz Moisture Gloves and Socks quickly became a top-selling accessory in the beauty/spa industry. They were sold in stores such as Bed, Bath & Beyond, Linens’NThings, Bloomingdales, Nordstrom and QVC. Also, private labeled for some of the biggest names in beauty: Estee Lauder, Bath & Body Works, H2O PLUS, Crabtree & Evelyn and Bare Escentuals.

​After years of helping people turn their ideas into reality, Sandy published her first book titled, “Your Idea, Inc.” (Adams Media 2010) and put her inspirational, motivational advice and anecdotes into this entrepreneurial guide book. Now in “Breathe to Succeed,” (Publishing May 1, 2019) Abrams shares her simple yet powerful Breath & Mindfulness tools that fueled her entrepreneurial journey over the past 25 years; making her what she calls a “C.E.’Om…able to juggle the chaos of entrepreneurial life thanks to the power of mindful breath & positive, strategic thoughts.

Abrams currently leads “Breathe to Succeed” and “Beverages & Breath” Workshops, 1:1 customized Breath & Mindset training for entrepreneurs, leaders, employees and executives.

Abrams volunteers with the national non-profit organization NFTE (Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship) and lives in Los Angeles, CA.

The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own

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Most of us know we own too much stuff. We feel the weight and burden of our clutter, and we tire of cleaning and managing and organizing.

While excess consumption leads to bigger houses, faster cars, fancier technology, and cluttered homes, it never brings happiness. Rather, it results in a desire for more. It redirects our greatest passions to things that can never fulfill. And it distracts us from the very life we wish we were living.

Live a better life with less.

In this webinar you will learn (learning objectives)

  • The life-giving benefits of owning less
  • How all the stuff you own is keeping you from pursuing your dreams
  • How to craft a personal, practical approach to decluttering your home and life
  • How to experience the joys of generosity
  • How the best part of minimalism isn’t a clean house, it’s a full life

The beauty of minimalism isn’t in what it takes away. It’s in what it gives. Learn how to live with less in this webinar!

About the Speaker: Joshua Becker

Joshua Becker is the Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author of Simplify, The More of Less, and Clutterfree with Kids and the co-creator of Simplify Magazine.

He is the founder and editor of Becoming Minimalist, a website dedicated to intentional living that was named by SUCCESS Magazine as one of the top ten personal development websites on the Internet.

He has contributed to TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Christianity Today. He is a featured contributor to Forbes Magazine and has appeared on numerous television programs, including the CBS Evening News.

Joshua and his young family were introduced to minimalism nine years ago during a short conversation with their neighbor. Since then, Joshua’s story and writing have inspired millions around the world to find more life by owning fewer possessions. Today, based on his thoughtful and intentional approach to minimalism, he is one of the leading voices in the modern simplicity movement reaching over 1 million readers every month.

He is also the Founder of The Hope Effect, a nonprofit organization changing how the world cares for orphans. Currently, he lives in Peoria, AZ with his wife and two young kids.

The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix it

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If you want to fix your sleep problems, Internet tips and tricks aren’t going to do it for you. You need to really understand what’s going on with your sleep—both what your problems are and how to solve them.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how sleep works and the ways in which food, light, and other activities act to help or hurt the process
  • Learn why sleeping pills are so often misunderstood and used incorrectly—and how you can achieve your best sleep without them
  • Incorporate sleep and napping into your life—whether you are a shift worker, student, or overcommitted parent
  • Think outside the box to better understand ways to treat a multitude of conditions—from insomnia to sleep apnea
  • Wade through the ever-changing sea of sleep technology and understand its value as it relates to your own sleep struggles.

About the Speaker: Dr. W. Chris Winter

Dubbed “The Sleep Whisperer” by Arianna Huffington, Dr. Winter has been involved in the field of sleep medicine for twenty five years. A fully board certified neurologist and double board certified sleep specialist, Dr. Winter has been helping individuals sleep better through his private clinic, group consultations, work with professional athletes, and dynamic media presence.


His first book, The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix it, has received high praise both in the United States and internationally as a fresh and effective approach to a growing problem.

The Simple Path to Wealth

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JL Collins wrote a book called The Simple Path to Wealth. 

The book grew out of a series of letters to his daughter concerning various things—mostly about money and investing—she was not yet quite ready to hear.

Since money is the single most powerful tool we have for navigating this complex world we’ve created, understanding it is critical.

“But Dad,” she once said, “I know money is important. I just don’t want to spend my life thinking about it.”

This was eye-opening. I love this stuff. But most people have better things to do with their precious time. Bridges to build, diseases to cure, treaties to negotiate, mountains to climb, technologies to create, children to teach, businesses to run.

Unfortunately, benign neglect of things financial leaves you open to the charlatans of the financial world. The people who make investing endlessly complex, because if it can be made complex it becomes more profitable for them, more expensive for us, and we are forced into their waiting arms.

Here’s an important truth: Complex investments exist only to profit those who create and sell them. Not only are they more costly to the investor, they are less effective.

The simple approach I created for her and will present to you, is not only easy to understand and implement, it is more powerful than any other.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Debt: Why you must avoid it and what to do if you have it.
  • How to think about money, and the unique way understanding this is key to building your wealth.
  • Where traditional investing advice goes wrong and what actually works.
  • What the stock market really is and how it really works.
  • Why the stock market always goes up and why most people still lose money investing in it.
  • How to invest in a raging bull, or bear, market.
  • Specific investments to implement these strategies.
  • How to simplify the sometimes confusing world of 401(k), 403(b), TSP, IRA and Roth accounts.
  • TRFs (Target Retirement Funds), HSAs (Health Savings Accounts) and RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions).

Emotional Eating: Tips to Tame Your Food Mood

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Emotional Eating: Tips to Tame Your Food Mood

The grim statistics of America’s weight woes are closely tied to the emotional and mental coping mechanisms we practice to process our feelings.

Dr. Ro, America’s Nutrition Coach, has great news!

These habits can be changed and we have the power to break free from eating our feelings and overcome emotional eating for once and for all.

When food is over-consumed and used to escape negative, self-defeating thoughts and unwanted feelings it can become a crutch and ultimately a drug.

But used for its intended purpose- sustenance, food nourishes and supports the body for normal bodily functions and helps us to thrive.

In this webinar you will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • How to acknowledge and connect your feelings to your food choices.
  • Core belief systems that block your success and ways to reframe your inner dialog.
  • Foods that boost your mood.
  • Healthy behaviors to replace the unhealthy habit of using food as a crutch.
  • Practical tips for weight-loss and weight management.

About the Speaker: Dr. Ro
Dr. Ro is the author of three books:

  • Lose Your Final 15: Dr. Ro’s Plan To Eat 15 Servings A Day, Lose 15 Pounds at a Time.
  • Dr. Ro’s Ten Secrets To Livin’ Healthy.
  • You Healthy, And Happy: Dr. Ro’s Tips To Living An Inspired Life.

Her recent book, Lose Your Final 15, was the cover story in Woman’s World Magazine, only the third time in the magazine’s history featuring an African American Woman on its cover. 

Dr. Ro was featured for helping women to lose weight. To date she has helped over 1.5 million Americans lose more than 6 million pounds. She served on the Advisory Board at Family Circle Magazine, was columnist to Ebony Magazine’s “Get Fit” and “Health and Wellness” columns.

Grief Day by Day: Simple Practices and Daily Guidance for Living with Loss

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There is no “right way” to grieve. Grief is complex. It is ever changing and may come to us differently on any given day.

Drawing from her personal experiences and the stories of the 2 million followers on her Grief Speaks Out Facebook page, author Jan Warner will offer hope in its most practical form.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Supportive, useful guidance to help you create a life in which peace, and even gratitude, can coexist with your grief.
  • Exercises that will help you process your feelings and develop skills for coping with grief as it arises.
  • Themes that capture common feelings and experiences such as: Loneliness, Things Left Unsaid, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Guilt, and Intimacy.

Real Happiness at Work: Through Mindfulness and Meditation

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Even the best jobs are filled with stress, tough deadlines, impatient bosses, seemingly endless meetings―all the ills of harried life.

But as science increasingly shows, meditation is the antidote.

Real Happiness at Work is about being committed without being consumed, competitive without being cruel, managing time and emotions to counterbalance stress and frustration.

This webinar will help you bring the profound benefits of meditation to an area where you could use it most―the workplace.

You will learn:

  • Core meditations on broad themes like motivation, awareness, and seeing the good in others.
  • Short “stealth” meditations, the kind that are quick, private, and doable anywhere.
  • How to achieve great happiness at work!

Get ready to to be more creative, organized, and accomplished in this webinar with New York Times Bestselling Author Sharon Salzberg!

The Joys of Jet Lag: How to Find the Joy in Every Journey

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In this webinar you will learn how to use a traveler’s mindset to craft joy in daily life.
Too many of us are moving through our days on autopilot, having settled for a life of mediocrity, and are barely even scratching the surface of our true potential.
We’ve become blind to the wonders around us and before long, life will have passed us by and we’re guaranteed to look back with defeated eyes of regret, wondering what-if.
What if we had actually listened to the voice desperately begging us to find joy in the now, live with purpose and achieve our full potential, instead of burying it out of fear or doubt?
This webinar is intended to shake participants awake so they can take hold of their life, raise their standards, and learn to truly enjoy the journey along the way.
Regardless of whether or not you like to travel, its captivating travel stories and insights learned from real-world experiences provide you with the tools needed to live your best life, one of wholehearted adventure and joy, no matter where you are.

The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain

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Use your head.
That’s what we tell ourselves when facing a tricky problem or a difficult project. But a growing body of research indicates that we’ve got it exactly backwards.
What we need to do, says acclaimed science writer Annie Murphy Paul, is think outside the brain.
A host of “extra-neural” resources—the feelings and movements of our bodies, the physical spaces in which we learn and work, and the minds of those around us— can help us focus more intently, comprehend more deeply, and create more imaginatively.
In this webinar we will explore the research behind this exciting new vision of human ability, exploring the findings of neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, psychologists, and examining the practices of educators, managers, and leaders who are already reaping the benefits of thinking outside the brain.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
  • How to think outside the brain to solve problems.
  • How to think outside the brain to make discoveries.
  • How to think outside the brain to create new things.

13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do

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Relationships play a key role in mental strength, and partners have the ability to help one another build the mental muscle they need to reach their greatest potential—with hard work and the right tools.
In this Q&A style webinar Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist Amy Morin will use her signature framework to share the 13 key mistakes couples should avoid to heal their relationships and develop their mental muscles.
Amy will provide practical tips on the following “don’t dos” (Learning Objectives):
  • They don’t ignore their problems.
  • They don’t keep secrets.
  • They don’t hesitate to set boundaries.
  • They don’t become martyrs.
  • They don’t use their emotions as weapons.
  • They don’t try to fix each other.
  • They don’t communicate with disrespect.
  • They don’t blame each other for their problems.
  • They don’t forget why they fell in love.
  • They don’t expect the relationship to meet all their needs.
  • They don’t neglect their partnership.
  • They don’t take each other for granted.
  • They don’t stop growing and changing.
This webinar will benefit people who are in a relationship, or those who serve clients in relationships.

Working with Others

How to Work with Almost Anyone

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Your happiness and your success depend on your working relationships.

  • How well you work with your boss.
  • The people you manage. 
  • The way collaboration happens with colleagues and peers.
  • How you connect with clients and the people you serve.

But the hard truth is this: most of us leave the health and fate of these relationships to chance.

We say “Hi,” exchange pleasantries … and hope for the best.

But many relationships become suboptimal at some point, whether it’s a good one that goes off the rails or one that was poor from the start.

But it doesn’t have to be like this.

Every working relationship can be better.

In this webinar Michael Bungay Stanier will show you how to build the best possible relationships.

You will learn:

  • 5 powerful questions that deepen trust.
  • How to set relationships up for success from the beginning.
  • How to maintain relationships so they thrive.
  • How to rebuild poor relationships.

From Boomer to Z: How to Work Effectively Across Generations

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For the first time in modern U.S. history there are significant members of 4 different

generations in the workplace: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z.

Differences in work styles, expectations and preferences have a big impact on how well we

work together…or not.

In this fast paced, interactive trainingyou will learn why each generation approaches things

the way that they do, and tips for adapting and working well together.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the background of each generation.
  • Understand the work style of each generation.
  • Learn how to adapt to effectively work and communicate with people from other generations.

About the Presenter: Josh Dye

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

A Second Chance: For You, For Me and For the People We Serve

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This webinar is about forgiveness, new starts, shame, and the power of possibility. Catherine Hoke founded Defy Ventures, a revolutionary organization that transforms the lives of people released from prison. It heals families, strengthens communities and creates jobs.

But mostly, Catherine’s work helps us find our humanity, regardless of whether we have been to prison or not. Catherine Hoke will share stories of her successful experiences serving clients and teach us what it means to lead from within while better serving those that need a second chance.

You will learn:(Learning Objectives)

  • How to forgive yourself and others.
  • How to more effectively serve clients who have made mistakes.
  • How to achieve restoration with apologies and taking responsibility. H
  • ow both you and your clients can discover your ‘generous hustle’ and benefit others.

About the Presenter: Catherine Hoke

What would it be like if you were known for the worst thing you’ve done? Or known for the worst thing you never did? Don’t we all need second chances? In 2004, Catherine Hoke toured several Texas prisons and discovered that many of the incarcerated men she met possessed strong business acumen, sales skills, and entrepreneurial qualities. She also found that many gangs and drug rings are run similarly to corporations —with bylaws, bookkeeping functions, marketing strategies, and quality control programs.

Following these realizations, Catherine Hoke founded two of the most successful and disruptive nonprofits in corrections: Prison Entrepreneurship Program and Defy Ventures. Her efforts have inspired 7,000 executives, entrepreneurs, and investors to volunteer as mentors and employers. Over 5,000 incarcerated people have graduated from these programs, and in doing so, many have earned Baylor University MBA certificates. The programs reduce violence and have produced industry-leading recidivism rates of less than 7% and 5% respectively. Most recently, Cat launched a company called Hustle 2.0. Hustle 2.0’s vision is to be the first self-sustaining, for-profit company delivering life-transforming education to millions of justice-involved Americans.

To produce the most cutting-edge product, Cat established a computer lab within California’s Pelican Bay State Prison, one of the most notorious prisons in America. In doing so, she is bringing together the most talented incarcerated people along with leading professors, industry experts, and correctional leaders to contribute to the program. Cat inspires audiences to use failure as a catalyst for innovation and reinvention. Cat will challenge you to ‘step to the line,’ forgive yourself and others, and move forward by making a difference. Seth Godin published her best-selling book, “A Second Chance: For You, For Me, and for the Rest of Us,” a powerful reflection on the struggles and triumphs of her journey, and her graduates’ journeys. Fast Company named Cat one of the “100 Most Creative People in Business.” Forbes named her on “40 Women to Watch Over 40.” She received the MDC Partners Humanitarian Award.

Culture of Trust: Improve Relationships, Morale, and Performance at Work and With Clients

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Trust is the foundation of a healthy workplace with high morale. When trust is lacking, tension and burnout are high, needless conflict spreads, and performance suffers. High stress environments make these things worse.

When trust is present efficiency increases, people support one another, clients are more cooperative, and work is a rewarding place to be.

To excel as an organization that is great for people and productivity the following must happen:

  • Managers and supervisors trust their staff.
  • Employees trust management.
  • Clients trust both the professionals and the organization serving them.

But how?

In this training you will learn how individuals and organizations can build trust in their relationships and communty,  including:

  • The top 10 traits of high trust people.
  • How to have effective relationships with people that hold different values.
  • How to build credibility.
  • How to restore trust after it was lost.

Trust can serve as our greatest benefit or biggest liability. Get ready to learn how to reap the benefit of high trust relationships and work environments in this dynamic training!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Grief in the Workplace

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Employees are the most important asset for running your organization and serving clients. Research indicates that illness or a death in the family is the second most common problem which affects workplace performance (stress is #1). When a death or other serious crisis occurs, on average it impacts the lives of more than 25 other people. Grief and loss can affect the individual or the entire team. Handling loss at work is challenging on a personal and professional level.

While 84% of companies have Employee Assistance Programs, only 10% of employees use them.  Managers and co-workers need to do more than just send a grieving individual to an EAP program which only addresses part of the grief/crisis picture.

In this webinar you will learn (learning objectives):

  • The impact of grief and how it affects the entire team.
  • What to do and say in times of crisis & grief.
  • How to talk to a grieving individual as well as their co-workers.
  • How the team’s productivity is affected during the grieving/crisis period.

Get ready to put plan in place to train your staff on how to handle grief or crisis in the workplace BEFORE a crisis arises.

About the Presenter: Linda Trignano

For more than 24 years Linda has worked facilitating grief recovery support groups, training grief facilitators, as well as working with individuals who are in the process of recovering from grief and loss.

She has worked with individuals experiencing a divorce or death, children who have lost a parent, relative or close friend to death or divorce, as well as training for a unique Rainbows program to work with the children of 9/11 victims. She is a certified facilitator through the Newark, NJ Diocese to create and run grief support groups. She also has training from Hospice to work with terminally ill patients.

All of this combined with over 18 years of corporate management roles with extensive experience in Employee Development Planning, Team Dynamics, Change/Transition Management and HR Quality Process Management has given her the unique skills to effectively train managers, staff and employees to be compassionate.

Methods: How to Work Effectively with People who Have Different Workstyles

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Working with people who have different work styles is often challenging. Our background, skills and experiences impact how we view communication, time, deadlines, relationships, decision-making, and more! To work effectively together, we must better understand our own work styles and the work styles and preferences of people on our team.

In this presentation you will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • The 9 dimensions of work style.
  • How to adapt our own style to work better with others.
  • Milestone Management – How to approach small and large projects to ensure high quality work that meets deadlines!

Workplaces that feature a wide variety of workstyles are a strength and benefit. Request this session to learn how to work well together, regardless of how you approach the job!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Cultivating Empathy

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Stephanie Glaros has interviewed and photographed hundreds of strangers for her street photography and storytelling project, Humans of Minneapolis. In this webinar, Glaros will teach you her process for mindfully engaging people she doesn’t know and how it’s increased her capacity for empathy.

She will offer practical tips for how to make more meaningful human connections in order to encourage kindness and compassion, a beneficial approach for any human services professional!

Learning Objectives

  • How to mindfully engage with people you don’t know.
  • How to make meaningful human connections.
  • How to use empathy to show kindness.
  • How to use empathy and be compassionate towards others.

About the Presenter: Stephanie Glaros, Humans of Minneapolis

Stephanie Glaros is a teaching artist, author, and speaker based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She spent eight years as the art director for Utne Reader magazine where she received accolades for her collaborations with illustrators, but she is best known for her blog and book, Humans of Minneapolis. Her work has been featured in the Star Tribune, Minnesota Monthly, City Pages, and on MPR.

Millennial Madness: How to Work Effectively with the Millennial Generation

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Selfies, social media, and sharing (bikes, cars, and more!) are hallmarks of the Millennial generation – the largest generation in U.S. history. Selfish and sense of entitlement are words some have used when working this group. If working with millennials was a Facebook relationship status it would be: “It’s Complicated.”

Factors including workplace culture, training, talent, motivation, personal life issues, and more all contribute to the working relationships. In this session you will learn how to move millennials from “It’s Complicated” to “Engaged!”

Learning Objectives

  • Learn influences on the Millennial generation
  • Learn traits of the Millennial generation
  • Learn workplace preferences of the Millennial generation
  • Learn how to form good relationships with and engage the Millennial generation

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Leadership transcends position and hierarchy. It is about initiative, passion, forward-thinking, asking tough questions, calculated risks, and decisive actions during moments that make your heart pound.

Professional and personal leadership takes courage. This is where thought-provoking presentations and consulting by Josh Dye and Convene, LLC make the difference. Since 2010, attendees in over 150 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he melds practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

Speaking of experience, Josh has demonstrated excellent performance and leadership at each professional stop. While working for the MN Multi Housing Association he helped double its membership in Greater MN in less than 18 months, and launched the organization’s education programming statewide. At the National Association of the Remodeling Industry- MN Chapter, Josh helped set association records in member recruitment, event attendance, and awards program participation. During his tenure at HousingLink the organization reached all-time highs in website traffic and individual donations. He also spearheaded the launch of HousingLink’s first earned income ventures Twin Cities Rental Revue and Housing Hub. Josh is now the Founder and President of Convene, LLC, a speaking, training, and consulting company for corporations, associations, nonprofits, and small businesses, currently serving clients throughout the United States.

Josh Dye is the President & Founder of Convene, LLC, a speaking, training, and marketing consulting company.

Ethical Intelligence

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Ethical intelligence may not get as much attention as other forms of “smarts,” but as Bruce Weinstein will show in this webinar, it is the most practical, valuable, and even courageous form. Ethical intelligence determines success on the job, fulfillment in relationships, and sense of self-worth.

In this webinar by ‘The Ethics Guy’ Dr. Bruce Weinstein, you will learn how to apply the five principles of ethical intelligence to the toughest problems you face with clients, colleagues and other valued people in your life.

In this webinar you will learn how to apply the five principles of ethical intelligence to work and life situations (Learning Objectives):

  • Do no harm
  • Make things better
  • Respect others
  • Be Fair
  • Care

Learn how to strengthen your personal and professional relationships, and make the right decisions every time, everywhere.

About the Presenter: Dr. Bruce Weinstein ‘The Ethics Guy’

Forbes Contributor Bruce Weinstein, The Ethics Guy®, shows companies around the world how ethical leadership at every level is the key to sustained success.

Some of his books include:

• Ethical Intelligence: Five Principles for Untangling Your Toughest Problems at Work and Beyond

• The Good Ones: Ten Crucial Qualities of High-Character Employees

• Is It Still Cheating If I Don’t Get Caught? (for tweens and teens)

Bruce has discussed ethical leadership over 200 times on national and international broadcast and cable television news programs. He received a B.A. in philosophy from Swarthmore College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy with a concentration in bioethics from Georgetown University and the Kennedy Institute of Ethics. The W. K. Kellogg Foundation in Battle Creek, Michigan awarded Bruce a National Fellowship in Leadership Development.

Bruce lives in New York with his wife Kristen Bancroft, a compliance professional in the financial services industry. To relax Bruce enjoys traveling to national parks with his wife, playing drums, and trying to figure out the plot of “The Godfather, Part II.”

Maestro: How to Lead Meetings and Conversations that Get Results

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Time is precious.

Many of us spend hours each week in meetings.

The faciliator of the meeting dictates whether that time is wasted or makes a positive difference.

Let’s learn some leadership tips for hosting better meetings that improve productivity, not reduce it.

In this training you will learn:

  • How to decide when a meeting is actually needed.
  • How to choose the best platform: Zoom, in-person, or phone call?
  • How to implement the three Ps of effective meeting facilitation: Purpose, people and process.
  • How to keep the group focused while inspiring active participation.
  • Tips for having shorter meetings that have great impact.

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Conflict Resolution Frameworks: Strategies and Tactices to Resolve Conflict Personally and Professionally

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Kwame Christian says a conflict is A negotiation with attitude.

Conflict is a regular part of our lives. Whether it is a disagreement with a co-worker, client, family member or friend, we need tools that help us resolve important issues that are holding us back.

For many of us, conflict is uncomfortable. We would rather avoid it than confront it. We also struggle to understand how to resolve conflicts fairly.

Following a conflict resolution process, or framework, helps a lot. Instead of just winging it, we can follow research-driven and time tested best practices.

In this training you will learn the different conflict styles that people have, and we will review conflict resolution frameworks created by three experts:

  • Lisa Gates’s Resolution Roadmap
  • Kwame Christian’s Compassionate Curiosity
  • Jennifer Beer and Caroline Packard’s Mediator’s Handbook, which forms the foundation of the process professional mediators use at Conflict Resolution Centers around the country.

Let’s get ready to resolve conflicts together!

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Kids in Crisis: How to Help Kids in Times of Loss, Grief and Change

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Change is about handling tough times and tough issues. Whether it is a small crisis or a major disaster, a minor malady or a life changing event, bullying in hallways or terror in the streets, this webinar looks at how parents and professionals working with kids can use wit and wisdom to nurture and enrich ourselves and children as we navigate through the minor and major chaos in our lives.

You will learn (learning objectives):

  • How to help kids develop constructive ways of responding to what life hands them.
  • How to help kids navigate divorce.
  • How to help kids navigate death & illness.
  • How to help kids during difficult life events.
  • How to support children through emotional ups and downs.

About the Speaker: Barbara Coloroso

Barbara Coloroso is an international bestselling author and for the past 44 years an internationally recognized speaker and consultant on parenting, teaching, school discipline, positive school climate, bullying, grieving, nonviolent conflict resolution and restorative justice.

She has appeared on Oprah, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and NPR and has been featured in the New York Times, Time, U.S. News & World Report, Newsweek, and other national and international publications.

Her uniquely effective parenting and teaching strategies were developed through her years of training in sociology, special education, and philosophy, as well as field-tested through her experiences as a classroom teacher, laboratory school instructor, university instructor, seminar leader, volunteer in Rwanda, and mother of three grown children.

She is the author of four international bestsellers: kids are worth it! Giving Your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline; Parenting Through Crisis—Helping Kids in Times of Loss, Grief and Change; The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander—From Pre-School to High School, How Parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle of Violence; and Just Because It’s Not Wrong Doesn’t Make It Right—From Toddlers to Teens, Teaching Kids to Think and Act Ethically. Barbara’s latest book is Extraordinary Evil: A Brief History of Genocide…and Why it Matters. She also has two critically acclaimed video programs Winning at Parenting… without beating your kids and Winning at Teaching… without beating your kids.

Distributed: Supervising Remote and Hybrid Teams

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Organizations that have staff who work in-person and remote is rapidly becoming a new normal. This presents unique challenges for supervisors as they try to lead happy and productive teams. 

In this training we cover the essential things supervisors must know to effectively manage remote and hybrid staff. 

You will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • Tips to keep your team socially and professionally connected.
  • Ways to train new staff when they or veteran employees are working remotely.
  • How to improve engagement in team meetings and conversations.
  • Strategies to enhance collaboration and information sharing.

You will also learn 5 key things you must establish as a leader of a remote or hybrid team, and quality of life tips to teach your staff as they work remotely.

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Contagious Culture, Contagious You. Your Presence is Your Impact

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Your success and influence as a professional depends upon your ability to relate to others, to create impact with your clients and team, and in being an inspiring authentic human to be with.

It’s the quality of your presence that ultimately determines your ability to succeed—your presence is your impact, and for good or bad, you are contagious.

In this webinar, Anese Cavanaugh will share the the following (Learning Objectives)

  • The power of using intention, service, and self-care as magic
  • How to use the IEP Method® (Intentional Energetic Presence) to create impact
  • Frameworks for up-leveling your leadership presence and (positive) contagiousness.

About the Speaker: Anese Cavanaugh

Anese Cavanaugh is devoted to helping people show up and bring their best selves to the table in order to create significant positive impact in their lives.

She is the creator of the IEP Method® (Intentional Energetic Presence®), an advisor and thinking partner to leaders and organizations around the world, a keynote speaker, and author of CONTAGIOUS CULTURE: Show Up, Set the Tone, and Intentionally Create an Organization That Thrives, CONTAGIOUS YOU: Unlock Your Power to Influence, Lead, and Create the Impact You Want, and THE LEADER YOU WILL BE: An Invitation (a leadership storybook).

As a leading voice on intention, energy, and presence in leadership and culture, she helps people unlock greater leadership potential, collaborate more inspiringly, create more openly, intuit more bravely, and lead more joyfully and effectively.

Choosing Courage: The Everyday Guide for Being Brave at Work

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Have you ever wanted to disagree with your boss in a meeting? Speak up about your company’s lack of diversity or unequal pay practices? Make a tough decision that you know will be unpopular?
We all have opportunities to be courageous at work.
But since courage requires risk—to our reputations, our social standing, and, in some cases, our jobs—we often fail to act, which leaves us feeling powerless and regretful for not doing what we know is right. There’s a better way to work and live.
Courage isn’t a character trait that only a few possess. It’s a virtue developed through practice.
In this webinar you will learn:
  • Research-based tactics to help you make better use of your courageous instincts at work.
  • How to develop courage through practice.
  • How to incoporate courage into your everyday life.
  • Stories of ordinary people who’ve acted courageously to make a greater impact.

Motivational Interviewing

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Motivational interviewing can help you and the clients you serve clearly define goals, think things through, and move toward change.
Whether you’re considering losing weight, addressing an addiction, leaving a toxic relationship, or any number of other big goals, taking steps toward personal change requires a steadfast mindset and a detailed plan of action.
In this webinar you will learn practical prompts, guidance, and support for figuring out long-term goals, developing a solid plan to achieve them, and making a committed change.
It will help you and the clients you serve build your motivation, clarify your commitment to reaching your goals, and empower you to take charge of your future.
You will learn (Learning Objectives):
  • What motivational interviewing is and how it can help lead to personal change.
  • How to refine goals and identify obstacles.
  • How to build motivation and sustain positive change.

Delegation and Feedback: What, When, and How

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As a manager does it feel like you constantly have more work added to your plate and none taken off?

This is not sustainable. The solution is mastering delegation.

It is challenging to know what to delegate, when, and how (and in many cases, to whom!). Together let’s explore some strategies to improve your delegation and feedback skills as a manager. 

In this training you will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • How to implement leadership expert Dave Crenshaw’s 4 steps of delegation: why, what, who and when.
  • The 3 Ts of Delegation: Training, Time Management, and Trust.
  • How to empower staff to make decisions.
  • How to deliver effective performance feedback.

The more you delegate, the less you have to do, and the more others thrive. Master delegation and feedback in this training!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Psychological Safety: Improve Your Work Culture One Question at a Time

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The foundation for strong relationships, highly collaborative teams and full self-expression is trust and psychological safety.
Creating a culture of psychological safety requires a willingness and a commitment to practice open and healthy dialogue.
Fostering psychological safety begins with the science of asking powerful questions and the art of compassionate listening. When applied, employees and customers feel heard, seen and understood. Employee’s thoughts, ideas and perspectives are welcome and their talents and creativity flourish.
Organizational consultant, speaker and author Jean Marie DiGiovanna, will share the critical success factors to creating trust and the foundational skillset and tools needed to create and foster a culture of psychologically safety.
In this interactive session, get ready to: (Learning Objectives)
  • Discover the equation for success and factors critical to creating an environment of trust and psychological safety.
  • Learn the #1 Skill Renaissance Leaders possess to shift the dialogue, increase employee engagement and create a culture of trust and psychological safety.
  • Apply the “Safety 6” Questions that open up the dialogue and foster psychological safety on a day-to-day basis.

Personality: Leverage Strengths and Mininmize Weaknesses to Improve Performance

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Many of us have taken a personality assessment at some point in our lives. These often happen when we are getting hired or as part of team building exercises.

Whether it was the Myers-Briggs, DiSC, Strength Finder, Enneagram or something else, we learned our natural strengths and weaknesses and those of our teammates as well.

A common outcome is to finally feel understood by our co-workers. I am what I am. Now THEY know how to adjust to work better with me.

In other words, we experience validation and gain some insight, but don’t grow or change.

There is a better way.

In this training we will explore how to better utilize personality assessments to leverage our strengths and minimize weaknesses.

You will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • Popular personality tests and what they reveal.
  • How to use the personality assessment to identify areas where you can improve your performance.
  • How to use the personality assessments to better understand how others view you, and help you adjust to others.
  • A ‘work style’ assessment that will help you more easily adapt and work effectively with others.

About the Speaker: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Assertive Leadership: Maintain Influence and Integrity without Relinquishing Authority

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In this webinar leadership expert Audrey Daniels will teach you how to embody the traits of an assertive leader, and how to show empathy in a way that motivates others.
You will learn: (Learning Objectives)
  • How to develop your own assertive leadership style.
  • The benefits assertiveness provides to your career and organization.
  • How to develop greater self awareness.
  • How to set boundaries.
  • How to communicate with diplomacy and tact.
Get ready to take your leadership skills to the next level in this webinar!

Management Essentials: Standards of Performance and Expectations

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Research shows that 50% of staff don’t know what is expected of them. In this module, we’ll help managers change that ugly statistic on their teams!
Each staff-person has primary tasks they are responsible to complete. Establishing a standard of performance answers the question, “What does it mean to do a good job on this task?”
The standard of performance is also what is used to evaluate staff performance.
In this module managers will learn how to:
  • Establish standards of performance.
  • Effectively communicate the standards of performance to their team.
  • Create standards of performance.
Determine what training is needed for staff to achieve the standards.

How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices

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What do you do when you’re faced with a big decision?

If you’re like most people, you probably make a pro and con list, spend a lot of time obsessing about decisions that didn’t work out, get caught in analysis paralysis, endlessly seek other people’s opinions to find just that little bit of extra information that might make you sure, and finally go with your gut.

What if there was a better way to make quality decisions so you can think clearly, feel more confident, second-guess yourself less, and ultimately be more decisive and be more productive?

Making good decisions doesn’t have to be a series of endless guesswork.

Rather, it’s a teachable skill that anyone can sharpen.

In this webinar, bestselling author Annie Duke and former professional poker player lays out a series of tools anyone can use to make better decisions.

You’ll learn:

  • To identify and dismantle hidden biases.
  • To extract the highest quality feedback from those whose advice you seek.
  • To more accurately identify the influence of luck in the outcome of your decisions.
  • When to decide fast, when to decide slow, and when to decide in advance.
  • To make decisions that more effectively help you to realize your goals and live your values.

As a result of this webinar you will achieve happier outcomes and fewer regrets!

From Conflict to Courage: How to Stop Avoiding and Start Leading

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Unresolved conflict is workplace kryptonite. Get ready to develop the mindset and skills to defuse disagreements, overcome division, and turn conflict into an opportunity for growth.

Unresolved workplace conflict wastes time, increases stress, and negatively affects business outcomes. But conflict isn’t the problem, mismanagement is.

We unintentionally mismanage conflict when they fall into patterns of what speaker Marlene Chism calls “The Three As:” aggression, avoidance, and appeasing.

“These coping mechanisms are ways human beings avoid the emotions that come with conflict, but in the end it’s all avoidance,” says Chism.

In this webinar you will learn how to fearlessly deal with conflict head-on by expanding your conflict capacity.

You will learn (Learning Objectives):

  • The three elements of conflict capacity: Inner Game, Outer Game, Culture.
  • Inner Game – How to build self-awareness, values, discernment, and emotional integrity.
  • Outer Game – Skills, tools, and communication techniques.
  • Culture – The visible and invisible structures around you that can encourage or discourage conflict.

The Values of Superb Client Service

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Superb client service is an individual responsibility, but thrives in and requires excellence teamwork. The clients we serve are often demanding, and work gets stressful. When we focus on supporting one another and opening up the lines of communication, service to clients improves and so does the morale on our teams.

The values that drive us determine the client experience, and anyone else that interacts with our agencies.

In this fast-paced session full of interactive, practical examples, you will learn:

  • How to create a great client experience that is trauma informed.
  • How to develop emotional consistency.
  • How to communicate in a way that builds trust, increases transparency, and reduces anxiety.
  • How to improve your listening skills.
  • How to diffuse tension and handle frustrated people.
  • How to establish good teamwork within your agency.

This session will make an immediate impact on your work culture and client experience!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

Leading From Your Best Self: Develop Executive Poise, Presence, and Influence to Maximize Your Potential

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Are you showing up as the best version of yourself? Are you aware of how others experience you?
By cultivating executive poise and presence, we not only improve how others see us but enhance our capacity to lead a life of our choosing.
Get ready to learn proven techniques for building self-confidence, making personal connections, and developing a professional presence that’s powerful, authentic, and effective.
You will also learn how to increase your poise, presence, and influence no matter the position you hold.
Finally, you will learn (Learning Objectives):
  • How to be present and open.
  • How to create a solid foundation of self-confidence and your own genuine leadership style.
  • How to develop a System for learning, a platform for failure, and a mindset of excellence.

Dealing with Difficult People

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It is hard to work, serve and live with difficult people. We don’t get to choose our co-workers, the people who walk through our doors needing service, or even many of our familiy members.

This means dealing with difficult people is inevitable.

In this training we will learn strategies for dealing with difficult people that were revealed in a new report from Harvard Law School’s Program of Negotiation.

You will learn how to: (Learning Objectives)

  • Overcome “my-way-or-the-highway” people to get things done.
  • Prepare ahead for challening conversations
  • Deal with stubborn, hostile, greedy, and even downright dishonest people
  • Ease tensions during negotiations to solve problems and build fruitful relationships.
  • Difficult people don’t have to slow us down or make us miserable. Learn strategies for managing these relationships in this training!

About the Presenter: Josh Dye, MPNA

Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community. Since 2010, attendees in over 500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.

What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.

In 2010 Josh earned a Master’s Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.

De-Escalation: Practical Techniques to Manage Emotional Reactions and Hostile Behaviors

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In this training you will learn practical de-escalation techniques to help manage moments of crisis, intense emtional reactions, and hostile behaviors in way that promote positive outcomes for the people you serve.

We will cover trauma informed strategies that reduce the likelihood of a potential crises occurring, and situational awareness safety tips to follow when working with someone who has the potential to behave in a hostile manner.

You will also learn (Learning Objectives):

  • Common causes and triggers of aggressive behavior.
  • Skills for active listening and empathy.
  • The role of nonverbal communication in de-escalation.
  • How to identify signs of crisis situations and learn strategies for managing them effectively.
  • Best practices for preventing future crises.
  • Situational awareness safety tips to keep you safe.

By the end of this training you will have a greater understanding of de-escalation techniques and how to use them effectively.

Difficult Personalities: How to Navigate Relationships with Clients, Co-Workers and Others Who May Have Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissism, and other Challenging Personalities

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Do you ever feel manipulated, controlled, or lied to?

Do you serve clients, or are in any relationships with people that have intense, irrational rages that seem to come out of nowhere?

Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells to avoid confrontations or constantly upsetting someone?

If the answer is yes, then you are likely interacting with someone that may have borderline personality disorder (BPD), narcissism or other challenging personality traits.

People compare working or living with someone that has borderline personality disorder, or other personality disorders to:

Living in a pressure cooker with thin walls and a faulty safety valve.

Living in a perpetual oxymoron. It’s a seemingly endless host of contradictions.

Feeling like you are going through the spin cycle on a washing machine.

The world is whirling around, and you have no idea which way is up, down or sideways.

In this training, we will explore strategies to more effectively serve and interact with people that have, or demonstrate the traits of, people with borderline personality disorder, narcissism, and other challenging personalities.

You will learn: (Learning Objectives)

  • What is going on inside a person that has a personality disorder.

  • How to identify and understand behavior that is influenced by a personality disorder.

  • How to set boundaries and communicate with someone that has a personality disorder.

  • How to personally find peace and cope with the stress of interacting with people that have a personality disorder.

By the end of this training you will have a greater understanding of how to navigate complex interactions with people that have difficult personalities!

NOTE: This training is NOT about how to medically or psychologically provide treatment for someone with a personality disorder.

This is for professionals that happen to work with people that may have a personality disorder, and are looking for strategies to better serve them, and personally cope with the impacts of these challenging and stressful interactions.